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Nigeria’s Transitional Electricity Market Needs Implementation

Nigeria’s Transitional Electricity Market Needs Implementation

Nigeria’s major energy sources, for now, remain wood, coal, oil, gas, tar sands, and hydropower. In January 2015, the government established a Transitional Electricity Market (TEM) without a detailed plan for implementing it. New regulations were approved to (a) promote investments in renewable energy sources and (b) generate at least 2,000 MW of renewable resource-based...

Mexican Administration Plans to Revamp the Oil industry and Prioritize Modernizing Existing Power Plants

Mexican Administration Plans to Revamp the Oil industry and Prioritize Modernizing Existing Power Plants

In 2013, through a controversial proposal Mexican Congress debated and then approved a Constitutional Reform that allowed private and foreign investment across the energy value chain for the first time in 75 years. The Energy Reform as it was known, aimed at boosting energy production and transforming the oil and gas industry. Later in August...

Japan is Moving Too Slowly in Efforts to Decarbonize the Energy Sector

Japan is Moving Too Slowly in Efforts to Decarbonize the Energy Sector

In 2019, energy-related CO2 accounted for approximately 90% of Japan’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Under the Paris Agreement, Japan has committed itself to a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of reduction in GHG emissions compared to 2013 – 26% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. Eventually, it hopes to achieve net-zero emissions “as early as...

Italy Remains Dependent on Fossil Fuel Imports While the Use of Renewables Grows Slowly

Italy Remains Dependent on Fossil Fuel Imports While the Use of Renewables Grows Slowly

Primary energy supply sources The primary energy supply for Italy over the time period 1990-2018 is derived from the following sources: In recent years Italy introduced measures to address some near-term energy transition goals (coal to gas). Development in the gas sector has been slow, as the graph above shows no major change-over-time. Nevertheless, one...

India Takes Steps to Reform its Power Sector but Still Heavily Relies on Coal

India Takes Steps to Reform its Power Sector but Still Heavily Relies on Coal

India is the world’s third-largest producer and third-largest consumer of electricity. With more than 400 million people lifted above the poverty line over the last decade, there has been a consistent rise in demand for power consumption across the nation’s rural, urban and semi-urban areas, necessitating far-reaching changes in India’s power sector.  The national electric grid in India over the years has come to...

France Aims at Clearing its Electricity Production of Fossil Fuels

France Aims at Clearing its Electricity Production of Fossil Fuels

The French energy sector has since the 1970s been dominated by nuclear energy, and in the 2010s nuclear has provided at most over 75% of the country’s electricity. Because of this internationally exceptional feature, France is relatively advanced in transitioning away from fossil fuels. Its CO2 emissions per capita are less than 59% of the...


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