Reporting on Climate Change Policies Across the Globe

Climate Scorecard identifies and advocates for actions that can lower emissions in leading greenhouse gas emitting countries.

Latest Global Reports

Tracking Climate Commitments

Climate Scorecard is tracking the ability of leading greenhouse gas emitting countries to commit to and develop plans for achieving short-term (by 2030) and long-term (by 2050) emission reduction targets. The summary graph and detailed country profiles below is updated on a regular basis.

Status of Country Efforts

to Support Climate Action

Countries that updated their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) pledges by 2023
Countries that committed to making a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030
Countries that submitted a plan for reducing emissions by 50% by 2030
Countries that committed to becoming Carbon Neutral by 2050
Countries that developed a plan for becoming carbon neutral by 2050

Get Involved

Contact the Environment Minister in your country to get involved!

0 Countries with Updated Pledges

Climate Pledges Must Be Stronger

The pledges made in 2015 are too low to prevent the planet from warming beyond the 1.5 degree Celsius tipping point that will result in widespread environmental and economic damage and loss of life. All countries must strengthen their pledges.

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Climate Scorecard depends on support from people like you.

We are a team of researchers providing information on efforts to reduce global emissions. We help make you better informed and able to advocate for improved climate change efforts. Donations of any amount are welcome.