Aegean Forest Foundation strives to ensure the sustainability of Turkey’s forests for present and future generations.
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AIDA develops international strategies to address the environmental and human rights challenges.
Climate for Change
Climate for Change is a registered charity whose mission is to create the social and political will in Australia for the action we need on climate change.
China Youth Climate Action Network is China's first grassroots organization for youth to tackle the issue of climate change.
EKO IQ magazine has become the first carbon neutral magazine of Turkey.
Misión Planeta A.C.
Misión Planeta A.C. promotes sustainable development and environmental protection.
Tohum Association
Tohum Eğitim Kültür ve Doğa Derneği (Tohum Education, Culture and Nature Association) was founded in Ankara in 2017; in line...
Youth Climate Leaders
YCL wants to shift the image of young people as "leaders of the future" to the leaders of today.