The UK Meteorological Office annually publishes a report called “UK State of the Climate” using data records from the land weather...
Leading Country Climate NGOs: The Climate Coalition (TCC), UK
The Climate Coalition (TCC) is the UK’s largest NGO dedicated to action against climate change. The charity operates throughout England and...
UK’s ETS Will Demonstrate Its Ability to Impact Emissions if Appropriate Future Market Policies are Put in Place
The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) replaced the UK’s participation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)...
Upcoming UK Parliamentary General Elections Has Significance for Climate Policy
The pivotal upcoming events in the United Kingdom’s political landscape are the General Elections, held every five years to elect...
The UK Faces Multiple Challenges in Swiftly Decarbonizing its Economy While Meeting its Population’s Essential Needs
The United Kingdom confronts a formidable challenge in swiftly decarbonizing its economy while simultaneously addressing essential needs such as housing,...
The United Kingdom’s Most Significant Climate Policies of 2023
3rd National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) The most significant climate policy in the United Kingdom in 2023 is the third...
UK: Model Community Climate Mitigation Programs
Guildford In the UK, community-led initiatives focused on town-level climate mitigation are becoming increasingly prominent, aligning with the pursuit...
UK: COP 28 Recommendations for Strengthening Country Climate Ambition
Dear Rt Hon Thérèse Coffey MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,, My name is...
UK agriculture needs a more radical transformation in the face of climate change
Rating B The UK has a temperate maritime climate. In general, this means that we have mild summers and cool,...
Climate Earth’s Campaign to Get the UK Government to Improve its Net Zero Strategy
The Climate Change Act commits the UK government by law to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 100% of...