The goals for countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050 have been endorsed by the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and by UNFCCC. And yet there is a lack of agreement on how to measure this progress and what indicators to use. This is in part due to the fact that there are few reliable universal measures for emissions or emission proxy indicators, and the few that do exist measure emission levels annually, not monthly quarterly or even semi-annually.
Therefore Climate Scorecard is launching an exploratory approach to the establishment of climate mitigation performance indicators. We asked each of our Country Managers to identify and describe 3-4 performance indicators that can be used frequently (ideally at least twice a year) to measure the progress their countries are making to reduce their emissions (ideally by 50% by 2030.)
Examples of indicators include: amount of greenhouse gas emissions, amount of use and cost of fuel energy, amount of use and cost of renewable energy, and number of electronic vehicles.
The Table below provides a summary of the indicators that have been proposed for each of the leading greenhouse emitting countries that we track. More complete descriptions of each country’s indicators is provided below. We welcome your feedback on these indicators. Climate Scorecard intends to use them again in several months’ time as a way of tracking country progress.
Country | Progress Indicators |
Australia |
Brazil |
Canada |
China |
European Union |
France |
Germany |
India |
Japan |
Mexico |
Nigeria |
Russia |
Saudi Arabia |
South Africa |
Turkey |
United Kingdom |
United States |
Country Reports
Australia: Climate Progress Report
KEY INDICATORS Greenhouse gas emissions by Australian Corporations (Annual) The greenhouse gases emissions include release of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and specified kinds of hydro fluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons. This indicator will be able to advise us on the progress of Australia’s goal in achieving 50% reduction. Australia currently…
Canada: Climate Progress Report
Our goal is to visit different indicators influencing climate change below and their reporting processes so we can come back to them later in the year to examine any progress. …
China: Climate Progress Report
Indicator: Energy Output of Coal (monthly, quarterly, and annually) Renewable Energy Output (monthly, quarterly, and annually) Air and Water Quality Data (Daily) Gross Ecological Product (measurement still in process) Energy security while transitioning to low-carbon energy provision continues to be the number one priority of the Chinese government. The most recently released “Opinions on Improving…
European Union: Climate Progress Report
Indicators: Total Installed Offshore Wind Power Capacity (Semi-Annually) The use of wind power within the EU is a useful emissions indicator in that a greater use of renewable energy resources facilitates a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a lessened dependency on fossil fuel markets and the diversification of energy supplies. Two reports are produced a…
Brazil: Climate Progress Report
In view of the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% endorsed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UNFCCC, we have selected below 7 indicators from reliable sources in Brazil, including independent, government and sector organizations: About Gas Emission (Total/Relevant Sectors) The indicators 1 and 2 are published annually by…
France: Climate Progress Report
Even as UNFCCC and the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agree upon the goal of reducing greenhouse emissions by 50%, disagreement remains on how best to measure this progress and with which indicators. Universal measures for emissions and emission proxy indicators are relatively sparse and most of them are reported on an annual basis…
Germany: Climate Progress Report
Germany is aiming to reduce GHG emissions by at least 65 % by 2030 compared to 1990 emission levels. CO2 neutrality is to be achieved by 2045, followed by net-zero emissions by 2050.The Overall Amount of GHG emissions Germany’s overall GHG emissions are to be reduced by at least 65% by 2030 (excl land-use, land…
India: Climate Progress Report
India is the world’s fourth biggest emitter of carbon dioxide after China, the US and the EU. But its huge population means its emissions per capita are much lower than other major world economies. India emitted 1.9 tonnes of CO2 per head of population in 2019, compared with 15.5 tonnes for the US and 12.5…
Japan: Climate Progress Report
Indicator 1: Number of Operational Coal-fired Power Plants (Monthly) This performance indicator is a baseline indicator simply tracking the number of coal-fired power plants currently in operation in Japan. To reveal progress, the net increase and decrease of the total number of coal-fired power plants will also be given.Name: Number of operational coal-fired power plants…
Mexico: Climate Progress Report
The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have adopted a mission to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half. Despite this, there is no consensus on quantifying progress or employing indicators—partly due to the scarcity of reliable universal emission measures or proxy indicators. In 2015 Mexico…
Nigeria: Climate Progress Report
Nigeria is a large developing country struggling to reach its emission targets. Relative to the other Climate Scorecard countries, Nigeria’s goals and targets are minimal. The government has no emission target for 2030, and recently stated that they would not be able to reach their net-zero target by 2050, which is what is expected by…
Russia: Climate Progress Report
Since the main sources of greenhouse gases in Russia are industry and transport, when analyzing the progress Russia is making to reduce its emissions it is worth focusing on these areas. Let’s think about what results would allow Russia to come significantly closer to achieving its goals to reduce greenhouse gases.[1] The first indicator is…
Saudi Arabia: Climate Progress Report
The names of the performance indicators we can use to regularly measure the progress Saudi Arabia is making to reduce its emissions are total CO2 emissions, total primary energy consumption and cost of fuel energy, total petroleum generation, and total renewable energy generation. The amount of total CO2 emissions describes emissions of carbon dioxide produced in…
South Africa: Climate Progress Report
Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Eskom (Monthly and Annually) Eskom, the South African electricity public utility, is the largest GHG emitter on the African continent [1]. Thus, in order to measure the progress that South Africa is making in terms of reducing its emissions by 2050, it is crucial to monitor Eskom’s emissions. Eskom regularly publishes…
South Korea: Climate Progress Report
Indicator 1: Renewable Energy (Monthly) This indicator will track the share of renewables in South Korea’s Energy Mix. It is reliable as it is updated on a regular basis and provides an insight into the evolving share of renewables in the country’s Energy Mix. The potential of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is…
Turkey: Climate Progress Report
Turkey would need to reduce its emissions to below 365 MtCO2 by 2030 and to below 226 MtCO2 by 2050 to be within its emissions allowances under a ‘fair-share’ range compatible with global 1.5°C. Turkey’s intended 2030 national emissions reduction target is to reduce emissions 21% below what it calls a business-as-usual scenario, equivalent to…
United Kingdom: Climate Progress Report
1. UK Renewable Electricity Generation (GWh) (Type 1*, ESI*) This indicator is extremely reliable as it measures the total renewable energy generated in the UK regularly and it takes all forms of renewable energy into account. This indicator allows the UK government to see how easy, quick, and cheap it is to produce renewable energy…
United States: Climate Progress Report
HIGHLIGHTS – Clean Versus Fossil Energy Consumption (Monthly) – Carbon Dioxide Emission from Energy Consumption (Annually) – Wildfire Year-to-Date Statistics (Annually) Clean vs. fossil energy consumption Source: EIA monthly energy review, Topic 1.3, “Primary energy consumption by source” The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) updates its analysis of U.S. energy trends monthly, including comparisons…