In this report we asked our Country Managers in leading greenhouse gas emitting countries to identify up to 3 game changing events that affected the level of emissions (up or down) in their countries in 2021. These events could include the development of new policies, the ending of existing policies, a new program, new private sector investments, an extreme weather event, and others. The event could take place within a country or an external event that affected that country’s emission status. We asked that the description of each event include in detail (what was it, when did it happen, who was responsible, what is its likely impact on emissions and climate change, how will its impact be known/monitored.) The table below highlights the events proposed by each country and the full report from each country is listed below.
Country | 2021 Climate Headline Events |
Australia |
Brazil |
Canada |
China |
European Union |
France |
Germany |
India |
Japan |
Mexico |
Nigeria |
Russia |
Saudi Arabia |
South Africa |
Spain |
Turkey |
Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
United States |
Country Reports
Australia: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Next Generation Electric Bus Depot Project Australia’s Partnership with Papua New Guinea and Fiji to Reduce Emissions Climate Services for Agriculture Program Prototype Australia’s Long Term Emission Reduction Plan (presented at COP 26) NARRATIVE Next Generation Electric Bus Deport Project One fifth of Australia’s emissions come from transport. Therefore, vehicle electrification is required to…
Brazil: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Deforestation Grew 22% Compared to 2020 Extreme Weather Events Including Floods and Droughts An Updated Paris Agreement Pledge That Lacks the Necessary Ambition NARRATIVE Brazil experienced the following climate game changing events in 2021: Deforestation and Wildfires In 2021, Brazilian deforestation grew 22% compared to 2020, reaching the highest level since 2006. The…
Canada: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Bill C-12 (Canada’s Net Zero Emissions Accountability Act) Passes A Cap on Oil and Gas Emissions at Current Levels with a Decline in the Pace and Scale of Emissions Needed to Get to Net-Zero by 2050 A Commitment to End All Foreign Financing of Oil and Gas Projects by 2022 A Ban on…
China: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Adoption of 14th Five Year Plan, a Development Model Promoting Advanced Clean Technologies, that Pollute Less and Save Energy Roll Out of Emissions Trading Program Extreme Weather Patterns in China’s Hinterland Trigger Greater Emphasis on Developing Climate Adaptation and Resilience Programs Commitment to End All Financing of Coal-Based Power Plants Outside of China China Submits Revised…
European Union: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Creation of European Climate Law The European Commission’s Fit for 55 Package The Next Generation EU Recovery Fund National Recovery and Resilience Plans NARRATIVE 2021 was a strong year for the EU regarding its revision of previous climate change policies and the strengthening of its commitment to reach goals that will help to…
France: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Case of Century, a lawsuit that resulted in the government being condemned for its inaction in relation to climate change Citizens Climate Convention Adoption of New Climate Law Commitment to Reduce Methane Emissions by 30% by 2030 NARRATIVE Last year, the French government went through three phases on the environmental front. The first…
Germany: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Amendment of Federal Climate Protection Act (June, 2021) Emission Trading Law and CO2 Pricing Elections September 2021: New Regime Coalition Deal Climate Protection Plan 2050 NARRATIVE Amendment of Federal Climate Protection Act June 2021 In respect to national climate reduction measures, the amendment of the Climate Protection Act 2019 (KSG) responds to the…
India: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS A Plan to Increase Private Sector and Foreign Climate Investment An Ambitious Electric Vehicles Policy A Fast-Paced Transition Pathway to Renewable Energy An Updated Paris Climate Agreement Pledge NARRATIVE Among several pivotal climate action initiatives in 2021 that India has taken, the noteworthy ones include: A Plan to Increase Private Sector and…
Japan: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Japan announced new energy plans including an increasing renewables to account for 36-38% of the power supply Government commits to being carbon neutral by 2050 Ministry of Economy to launch an experimental carbon market in 2022-2023 Government and private sector launch new instruments to stimulate green investments and practices in financial markets Business community…
Mexico: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Mexico’s Most Recent NDC Pledge A Roadmap for Implementing the new NDC Pledge A New Emissions Trading System NARRATIVE This post describes game-changing events that effected the level of greenhouse gas emissions in Mexico in 2021. Mexico was the first developing country to enact a General Law on Climate Change, which acknowledges the…
Nigeria: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Significant Flooding Throughout the Country Nigerian-Russian Agreement to Build Two New Power Plants Government Signs Into Law a Sweeping New Climate Bill Including a Carbon Budget Continued Lag in Implementation of Climate Policies and Plans NARRATIVE 2021 has been an eventful year of climate action and inaction for Nigeria. Following up the government’s decision…
Russia: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Law on Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation With Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Until 2050 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation #3052) A Commitment to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2060 Russia Joined the Glasgow Climate Pact and Signed a Global Agreement to Stop Deforestation by…
Saudi Arabia: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Commercial Production of Blue Hydrogen Launch of Saudi Green Initiative Commitment to Net Zero Emissions by 2060 NARRATIVE Currently, blue hydrogen requires heavy use of carbon capture and sequestration technology and can only be transported in ammonia form. The Saudi giant state oil company Aramco has been investing in blue hydrogen as an energy…
South Africa: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Countries Pledge Funding to Help South Africa Reduce Its Reliance on Coal Passage of a National Climate Change Bill Near Completion of 2 New Coal-Fired Power Plants South Africa’s New Paris Agreement Pledge Is Insufficient NARRATIVE South Africa is the world’s 12th largest carbon dioxide emitter [1]. In 2021, the following events took…
Spain: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Passage of Law 7/2021 on Climate Change and Energy Transition Approval of PERTE ERHA (Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica de Energías Renovables, Hidrógeno Renovable y Almacenamiento) on Renewable Energy, Renewable Hydrogen and Storage Significant Emissions Reduction, Due to the Pandemic NARRATIVE The main greenhouse emission policies/events in Spain for 2021:1)…
Turkey: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Devastating Forest Fires Unusually Heavy Storms and Rain in the North Eastern Provinces Increased Use of Coal for Domestic Heating The Share of Renewable Energy in Installed Energy Capacity Reached 53% Turkish Parliament Ratified the Paris Climate Agreement NARRATIVE 2021 has been a very challenging year for Turkey regarding the climate and emission…
United Kingdom: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Introduction of Updated Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill Hosting COP 26 and the Passing of the Glasgow Climate Pact World’s First Transport Decarbonization Plan Introduction of the Net Zero Strategy A Pledge to Reduce Emissions by 68% by 2030 and 78% by 2035 NARRATIVE Introduction of the CEE Bill Into Parliament The UK has…
Ukraine: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Target year for the Coal Exit proposed but not legitimised Law on Industrial Pollution Regulation not passed Amendments Needed to Raise the Carbon Tax Passed; CBAM negotiations with EU are Ongoing NARRATIVE A target for the coal exit by 2035 by state, and by 2040 by private mining facilities was proposed by Ukraine…
The United States: The 2021 Climate Year in Review
HIGHLIGHTS Rejoined the Paris Agreement A New NDC Pledge to the Paris Agreement to Reduce Emissions by 50-52% by 2030 and reach Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Established a National Climate Task Force to Support Integration of Climate Policies in All Federal Agencies Committed to Conserving 30% of US Lands and Oceans by 2030 Committed…