Possibility of Ratification by 2018: High Like many other countries, Brazil has yet to ratify the Paris Agreement and submit its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) plan to Congress. Brazil currently is in the midst of its most serious and dramatic political and economic crisis, including the removal and proposed impeachment of the President-Dilma Rousseff. The Brazilian constitution gives...
Category: Archives
Mexico Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2018: High Mexico has a ratification mechanism very similar to the US: after the President (or in this case, the head Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) has signed the agreement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to send it to the Senate for its analysis, evaluation and eventually,...
France Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2018: Treaty has been Ratified The Parliament of the French Republic consists of two chambers. The National Assembly (directly elected representatives) and the Senate (senators elected indirectly by representatives and local politicians). Pursuant to Art. 53 of the French Constitution, an international agreement requires the approval of parliament where it concerns peace treaties, trade agreements,...
Nigeria Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2016: Medium Nigeria is yet to ratify the Paris Agreement. However, the country has announced plans to commence in September 2016 the process of consulting stakeholders with the intention of signing and ratifying the Agreement as soon as possible thereafter. The Minister of Environment, Amina Mohammed, on June 5 2016 made this announcement during a Ministerial...
US Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2018: Medium The United States has yet to ratify the Paris Agreement but plans to do so before the end of the year. In the United States most international treaties need approval by the US Congress and then the signature of the President before they can be formally ratified. However, the...
Thailand Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2018: Medium Thailand is one of the signatories of the Paris Agreement and Thailand signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016. However, Thailand has not yet ratified the Paris Agreement and it does not have any specific timeline for ratification. One of the major challenges that might hinder Thailand’s ratification of...
Spain Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2018: High Spain has not yet ratified the Paris Agreement, but it fully intends to do so. The Spanish government is currently preparing the necessary documents. It hopes that the documents will be in order at some point during the month of July of this year, at which point the documents will be...
Turkey Ratification Status
Possibility of Ratification by 2018: Low The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning signed the Paris Agreement in New York but it has yet to be ratified. According to Turkey’s Constitution, the Agreement needs to be approved by The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT). GNAT is composed of different political parties. The new term in the...