Turkey Ratification Status

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Possibility of Ratification by 2018: Low

The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning signed the Paris Agreement in New York but it has yet to be ratified.

According to Turkey’s Constitution, the Agreement needs to be approved by The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT). GNAT is composed of different political parties. The new term in the parliament began in June 2015 and there are four parties with 550 seats in total. AK Party has the highest number of seats.

The parties have different points of view regarding climate change and emissions. The AK Party, who has the power to decide alone, has not been a big supporter of climate change legislation. Given Turkey’s highly carbon dependent growth path, which contradicts its renewable energy action plan, it is also possible that Turkey may refrain from ratifying the Agreement because of the emission reduction obligations it will have to assume.

Submitted by Climate Scorecard Country Manager Ozlem Duyan

Learn more:

Sayman R., İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede Çarpan Etkisi:Paris Anlaşması, REC



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