Mexico: Organizations Nominated To Support The 2020 Campaign

As part of Climate Scorecard Report #17 we asked our Country Managers to provide a list of organizations in their countries that might help support our 2020 Campaign. Over the next several months we hope to explore whether the organizations listed below, and others, are interested in supporting the Campaign and implementing the recommendations provided by our Country Managers in Report #16.

Research Program on Climate Change (PINCC, in Spanish)  

This program is based at the Center of Atmospheric Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), which is recognized as the research institution with more experience in climate change in Mexico. The Center has been an advisor for the Mexican government and has collaborated with the IPCC.

PINCC started operating in 2010 as an interdisciplinary research program able to coordinate and integrate research through the different areas that climate change covers, such as biology, chemistry, society, economy. The program has served as a focal point for IPCC Mexican authors, as a network for climate action in universities, and has collaborated with the Climate Change Council and the Inter-Secretariat Climate Change Commission. 

Contact: Dr. Carlos Gay, Director 


Telephone: 52+55225219

Iniciativa Climática de México (ICM). Mexico Climate Initiative 

ICM acts as an organization that captures international and national funds and channels them to the development of studies and analysis of public policies that contribute to the reduction of emissions. ICM selects its investment priorities based on a process of strategic planning and consultation with its board and other experts on climate mitigation. 

ICM looks to catalyze international climate policy at the national and city levels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to promote low-carbon growth in Mexico. It aims to influence decision making on climate change in the public sector, the private sector, and at the social level, so that Mexico adopts and implements ambitious mitigation actions.  

Contact: Jorge Villareal, Transport and Climate Policy Director  


MEXICO2: Mexican Carbon Platform 

MEXICO2 is a SIF ICAP company, a subsidiary of the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (Mexican Stock Exchange) Group. It emerged in 2014 with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Mexico, the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC), the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR) and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). 

It looks to develop environmental markets, based on the General Climate Change Law, the National Climate Change Strategy and the Paris Agreement, as these are the framework for the development of market instruments that promote and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives in Mexico. 

Contact: Eduardo Piquero, General Director MEXICO2. 


Inter-secretariat Climate Change Commission

Mexican government officials have voiced the urgency of having stronger policies and actions to achieve national climate goals through energy efficiency, regulatory and behavioral changes, and public and private sector partnerships. Therefore, the National Climate Change Law established the Inter-secretariat Climate Change Commission to coordinate climate action among all government institutions. It is formed by 14 Ministries, including the Secretariat of Economy, International Relations, Health, and Tourism, among others, and also includes the participation of the National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI).

It is important to highlight that these coordination efforts have been supported by different institutions; the General Direction of Climate Change Policies of SEMARNAT highlighted the necessity of increasing climate ambition and having strong processes not only through the coordination of all government institutions but also from all civil society, private sector, academia, etc.

Contact: As this Commission is formed by different institutions, the best way to contact them is through the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, SEMARNAT.  

  • Sandra Guzman, Director of Climate Change Policies, SEMARNAT

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