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Implementation of Green Deal Industrial Plan and Fit for 55 Package Demonstrate EU’s Progress in Decreasing Emissions

Implementation of Green Deal Industrial Plan and Fit for 55 Package Demonstrate EU’s Progress in Decreasing Emissions

Climate Progress in the First Half of 2003 Rating: A-Significant Progress The most recent EU emissions data come from Eurostat and details emissions over the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2022. Eurostat has written on its website that it plans to update its emissions charts in August 2023, so emissions data for the first quarter of...

China’s Emissions at a Standstill During 1st Half of 2023, but Promising New Policies Have Been Introduced

China’s Emissions at a Standstill During 1st Half of 2023, but Promising New Policies Have Been Introduced

China Progress Report: Midway 2023 Rating: CChina’s decarbonization efforts stagnate as the country must balance between economic recovery, energy security, and meeting the 30/60 carbon targets.Greenhouse Gas or CO2 emissions-related data for the first half of 2023 appears unavailable via official sources such as the National Bureau of Statistics. The NBS usually publishes aggregated information,...

Promising New Policies in Australia, such as Safeguard Mechanism Amendment Bill, but Will They Be Introduced on Time?

Promising New Policies in Australia, such as Safeguard Mechanism Amendment Bill, but Will They Be Introduced on Time?

PROGRESS REPORTS/ MID-WAY 2023 Rating: C (Standing Still) Australian reporting on greenhouse gas emissions is publicly available on the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website. However, there are significant delays in providing the data to the public. As a result, the latest emissions data is only available up to...


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