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Global Spotlight Report #82: Technology and Climate Change

Global Spotlight Report #82: Technology and Climate Change

Introduction For Post 82 we asked our Country Managers to describe the impact of a technology innovation on efforts to mitigate climate change in their countries. We asked them to list the name of the technology; where it was produced; who made it; and how much does it cost (per unit), how is it being...

Global Spotlight Report #80: Forest Coverage and Climate Impacts

Global Spotlight Report #80: Forest Coverage and Climate Impacts

Introduction For Post 80 we asked our Country Managers to provide a description and analysis of the forest cover in their countries and its impact on climate change. Post 80 provides detailed Country Reports that describe: how much of each country’s land is covered by forests? What is the composition of the trees in each...

Global Spotlight Report #79: Strengthening Country NDCs

Global Spotlight Report #79: Strengthening Country NDCs

Introduction The NDC Partnership is a network of over 120 countries, facilitated by UNFCCC, that is dedicated to helping each other strengthen their Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) emission reduction Pledges. For more about the Partnership see their website: The Partnership has just released Version 3.0 of the NDC Navigator—an interactive tool that...

Global Spotlight Report #77: Climate Change and Extreme Summer Heat

Global Spotlight Report #77: Climate Change and Extreme Summer Heat

Introduction In the age of climate change, extreme summer heat brings all sorts of problems for humans and the environment. Many countries face unusually warm temperatures, droughts, flooding and wildfires. For Post 77, Climate Scorecard asked our country managers to describe the ways in which summer heat affects each country and the effectiveness of the...

Global Spotlight Report #76: Leading Country Climate NGOs

Global Spotlight Report #76: Leading Country Climate NGOs

Introduction Climate Scorecard is considering establishing linkages with leading climate non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in each of our countries. Specifically, in each country we are trying to identify at least one NGO that works to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and that have the ability to advocate for change. Our goal is to build a network of...

Global Spotlight Report #75: Emission Trading Systems: Lessons Learned

Global Spotlight Report #75: Emission Trading Systems: Lessons Learned

Introduction For post 75 we asked our Country Managers to share their country’s experience developing and implementing emission trading systems (ETS). We asked them to describe the type of ETS system their country uses or is developing. Is it based on carbon pricing? What industries does it cover? What geographical areas/regions? Country Managers also were...

Global Spotlight Report #74: 2024 Climate Leadership Awards

Global Spotlight Report #74: 2024 Climate Leadership Awards

Introduction In Post 74 we asked our Country Managers to nominate an official who has done the most to reduce emissions in their country’s government over the past year. We asked them to describe the climate accomplishments of this person and why they are so important to the reduction of emissions. In the case of...

Global Report #73: Implications of Country Elections for Climate Policy

Global Report #73: Implications of Country Elections for Climate Policy

Introduction There are an unprecedented number of elections in countries worldwide scheduled for 2024. Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union)—representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world—are meant to hold national elections, the results of...


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