Russia: Organizations Nominated To Support The 2020 Campaign

As part of Climate Scorecard Report #17 we asked our Country Managers to provide a list of organizations in their countries that might help support our 2020 Campaign. Over the next several months we hope to explore whether the organizations listed below, and others, are interested in supporting the Campaign and implementing the recommendations provided by our Country Managers in Report #16.


EcoDelo has been active for 10 years to generate financing and aiding in managing local initiatives throughout Russia while reporting on Russia’s progress and/or shortcomings. The groups and projects that we recommend for support are carefully selected by an expert council consisting of reputable representatives of the Siberian and Far Eastern environmental movement.

Regions covered: Moscow, Far East, Siberia, Volga, North Caucasus, Urals, Southern and Central Federal Districts. 




One of the most prolific and active environmental NGO’s in Russia, capable of producing its own awareness campaigns, news cycle and on-the-ground activities that mobilize its volunteer base. Its activities and agenda are well known to government agencies and large-scale industries alike. Partnering with national and local Russian NGOs and organizations could speak volumes to a greater, inter-generational audience as well as improve their image among the general public.

Greenpeace Russia has established parks, reserves, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites throughout Russia; it has also implemented various projects to decrease the negative effects of development and manufacturing on local ecosystems and has worked to aid in the development of policy to strengthen environmental protections. 

Greenpeace would be a formidable technical backbone for the adaptation of international best practices as well as innovative mechanisms for application in Russia as part of the High-Impact Coalition. 

Contact: or through Facebook at  

Russian Ecological Independent Examination (REIE)

The REIE works extensively with Legislative and Executive power of Russian Federation, regional administrations, offices of states in the field of natural resources use and environment protection. This includes the  Ministry of Natural ResourcesFederal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource UsageFederal Service on Customer Rights Protection and Human Well-being SurveillanceRussian Federal Atomic Energy Agency and other organizations. REIE regularly informs these state bodies on results of research conducted.

REIE cooperates with international and foreign professional organizations and companies on issues relating to harmonization of international ecological standards and legislation in the territory of Russia, execution of environmental impact audit in cross-border territories and joint projects in the area of environment protection and clean-up of past environmental damage.

Contact: 123056, Moscow, Vasilyevskaya ul, 15 

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs  (RSPP) 

Since 2005, the RSPP has been a member of the UN’s Global Compact, the world’s largest global corporate sustainability initiative. As a member, the RSPP has voluntarily pledged to the following values of the UN’s Global Compact: to operate responsibly, in alignment with universal sustainability principles; take socially responsible actions; pushing sustainability into the workings and operations of the association; report annually on ongoing efforts and engage locally.

The RSPP is an all-Russian organization representing the interests of business circles in Russia. It has about a hundred industry and regional associations representing the key sectors of the economy including fuel and energy, and engineering, among others. 

The RSPP would be a key mobilizer in bridging the research and NGO-projects perspectives with business and development aspects that have often been cautious about the growing environmental (so-called ‘green’) agenda in Russia. Incorporating the RSPP into the Coalition would be an informative stakeholder. 


Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 

The Ministry approved the creation of the Working Group on Business and Biodiversity to collaborate with other governmental agencies, public organizations and businesses which is aimed at fulfilling the tasks of the Federal, and long-awaited, project ‘Ecology’. Under the national project, the Working group is to improve legislation in terms of biodiversity conservation through business aspects as well as the preparation of corporate programs for the conservation of rare species, both flora and fauna. ‘Ecology’, however, does not address emission reductions; the ability to impact emissions reductions is in line with its core objectives of conserving ecosystems as well as business aspects. 

Contact: Advisor of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Shipova Natalya Aleksandrovna,

Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

This governmental agency has oversight and impact in numerous sectors of Russian life including those pertaining to strategic development and, of course, energy. It’s intended that the Ministry of Energy will be the capstone for targeted advocacy and policy for emissions reductions. The country’s investigation and creation of mechanisms for the possibility of renewable energy options and their viability would have a hand from this ministry. 


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