Indonesia: Organizations Nominated To Support The 2020 Campaign

As part of Climate Scorecard Report #17 we asked our Country Managers to provide a list of organizations in their countries that might help support our 2020 Campaign. Over the next several months we hope to explore whether the organizations listed below, and others, are interested in supporting the Campaign and implementing the recommendations provided by our Country Managers in Report #16.

International Topical Peatland Center (ITPC)  

TPCI’s main objective is to ensure that policy makers, practitioners and communities have access to sound, credible and legitimate information, analyses, and all other tools needed to design and implement conservation and sustainable management of tropical peatlands. ITPC researches methods to improve peatland restoration, agricultural practices, encourages the adoption of paludiculture, and helps bring peatland research into practice. ITPC also connects researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders for peatland collaboration. ITPC would be a knowledge disseminator and glue within this coalition. 

Contact: and

Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) 

ISPO is a policy organization created by the Ministry of Agriculture to improve market competitiveness and reduce the environmental impact of palm oil production. ISPO had a greenhouse gas working group to “form calculation guidelines for palm oil plantations in Indonesia”. ISPO has certified 502 plantations with holdings of 4.11 million hectares to be sustainable. These plantations cover 30% of the 14 million hectares of palm oil in Indonesia. Large companies are required to join the ISPO, small holders can join voluntarily. The ISPO should encourage the adoption of practices and tools developed by the International Tropical Peatland Center (ITPC) among its member companies, especially those with holdings on peatlands and peat domes. ISPO will need accurate land ownership maps produced by BIG to determine if a plantation is meeting ISPO certification standards.

Contact: and

Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) + Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG)

The MoEF is responsible for the reduction of most of Indonesia’s GHG emissions pledged in its NDC. One of the most important functions of MoEF in relation to implementing Indonesia’s Paris Agreement Pledge is enforcing the moratorium on primary forest and peatland deforestation. Violations of the moratorium can be attributed to the correct violator when land conflicts are resolved under the One Map Policy. Additionally, the Peatland Restoration Agency – Badan Restorasi Gamhut (BRG) – operates under the MoEF. Restoration of peatland is also critical to reducing GHG emissions. BRG should work with the other organizations mentioned here to improve restoration efforts and peatland governance. BRG should also adopt and disseminate tools and research produced by the ITPC. BRG’s new initiative Peatland Restoration and Monitoring System (PRIMS) should aid in restoration and moratorium enforcement. PRIMS should help in adaptive management of peatland which will compliment efforts by ISPO and GCF. Finally, the MoEF should work with the Ministry of Agriculture, especially the directorate general of plantations under Kasdi Subagyono, to develop ISPO guidelines that support MoEF mitigation and conservation initiatives, such as ensuring palm oil producers do not violate the moratorium. 

MoEF contact: and

BRG contact: or

Governor’s Climate and Forests Taskforce (GCF) 

GCF is a coalition of seven governors from Aceh, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Papua, and West Papua. These governors signed the Rio Branco Declaration which aims to reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020. The declaration also encourages private sector involvement. In a commentary by Mongabay, “Can jurisdictional certification curb palm oil deforestation in Indonesia?” the authors identified the importance of smallholders in implementing ISPO/RSPO-like certifications for their plantations using jurisdictional certifications. The governors in GCF should encourage district level governments to implement RSPO sustainable jurisdictional certifications to improve palm oil production. District-level efforts are especially important given their authority over land and forest management. GCF governors have clout. They can nudge districts to implement jurisdictional certifications and help in other government mitigation programs. 

GCF contact: and

Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) and One Map

Necessary to implement all government land-based mitigation policies described above is the availability of accurate geospatial data. BIG is responsible for producing maps of government planning, many of which deal with forestry and land use. These maps will be important for government agencies to understand their working areas or for when agencies want to enforce land-based policies. BIG also resolves conflicting land rights maps. Without accurate land rights maps, programs such as ISPO and district-level jurisdictional certification will be impossible to roll out. 

BIG contact:, and

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