Need for Stronger Emissions Reduction Targets, Outputs and Tracking Processes

A new report issued October 8 in Korea by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as part of the Paris Agreement, is based on 6,000 scientific studies collated by 91 authors and editors from 40 countries. Visit Beyond 2030, the report warns, allowing the planet to warm a full 2°C, could have devastating consequences. It explicitly states reducing emissions over the next 12 years is critical for warming to maintain a maximum of 1.5°C to avert accelerated risks of acute heat waves, wildfires, drought, sea level rise, and large-scale poverty expected at 2°C. Emissions must be cut by 45% between 2010 and 2030 and hit net zero in 2050. Current NDCs and projects under the Paris Agreement won’t limit global warming to 1.5ºC, even if ambitions increase after 2030.

Catherine Abreau, ED of Climate Action Network Canada, also Climate Action Network-International’s Head of Delegation at the IPCC meeting, is pleased the report identifies that time and means are still there to limit a global temperature rise to 1.5°C with strong international cooperation and resource deployment to vulnerable communities. The report confirms that the problem is deployment of fossil fuels, and the solution is to invest in energy efficiency and energy sources outside fossil fuels.

Canadian MPs spent their first day in Parliament after the IPCC report was share debating the perils of climate change but we need stronger action. The Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCFCGCC) (2016) is our high-level plan to meet emission targets. The majority of provincial premiers approved the Framework. To encompass IPCC’s guidance so as not to surpass 1.5°C, we need higher targets than our existing international climate commitments, to stop fossil fuel expansion, reach a 100% renewable energy economy that respects Indigenous, northern and coast communities’ rights, and plan a just transition to maintain Canadian prosperity and jobs. Many policies and measures in the Framework are scalable to enable increasing ambition over time, however, there is greater recognition that 2°C is dangerous and the need to act is now.

Canada’s commitment to the Paris Agreement –

Activity Rating: *** Right Direction

Canada’s policy is comprehensive but requires more fine tuning by staff to ensure we know when our emissions strategy will be achieved and a clear roadmap for reaching our goals.

Take Action: To request action supporting the IPCC report, please contact your provincial premier, with the following message:

Dear Premier,

To achieve the IPCC report recommendations, Canada needs to cut its annual emissions almost in half from current levels within 12 years instead of our existing 30% target below 2005 levels by 2030. The report finds that limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires “rapid and far-reaching” transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport, and cities. The PCFCGCC is our toolbox. Experts have said our current climate plans, even with carbon pricing, energy efficiencies, renewable sources and technological innovations, will not get Canada to its existing goal. We need stronger targets, outputs and tracking processes to ensure good progress is made.

Contact: Your province’s premier: (addresses and emails are listed) or
Council of the Federation Secretariat (to pass information on to premiers at)
Suite 630, 360 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7X7
Phone: 613 563-4066 Fax: 613 563 4068
Executive Director: Loretta O’Connor, MBA

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