Public Consultation to Help Develop Climate Change Strategy

Spotlight Activity: Public Consultation to Help Develop Climate Change Strategy

On July 17th the European Commission launched a public consultation on a strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction. All interested citizens and stakeholders can send their contributions by October 9th 2018. The public consultation is part of a larger effort requested by EU leaders and carried out by the European Commission, which aims to put forward its proposal for recommendations ahead of the next UN climate conference (COP24) taking place in Katowice, Poland in December 2018.

This is a great opportunity for all EU citizens and entities to advocate for an ambitious long-term decarbonisation strategy that is in compliance with the Paris Agreement. Specifically, the aim is to:

  1. Collect views and opinions on the technological and socio-economic pathways that should be explored for a long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy;
  2. Gather factual information, data and knowledge, including drivers, opportunities and challenges relevant to the long-term strategy.

According to the website: “The consultation covers the views of citizens and other stakeholders on the types of transformations required, level of ambition and key actions to achieve it –including interactions with other ongoing transformations, the societal and economic opportunities and challenges, the role of the consumer and the need for investment and innovation. It will also address technical questions on the potential of some mitigation options.”

Status: Moving Forward

This is a step in the right direction as a collaborative approach is needed to gather the opinion of EU citizens on how to achieve a low-carbon future.

Take Action

To all citizens and stakeholders, take advantage of this unique opportunity to make your voice heard and offer your opinion and expertise regarding a low-carbon future at this link:


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