Spotlight Activity: Nigeria Develops Third Paris Agreement National Communication
Nigeria’s Ministry of Environment hosted key stakeholders in the environment sector as they converged to talk about the review of Nigeria’s Draft Third National Communication (TNC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The stakeholders comprised Staff of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Climate Change Desk Officers of the 36 State Ministries of Environment and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and the media.
“Continuous preparation of a National Communication document, in series, is an obligatory requirement on all parties to the UNFCCC, which aims to communicate to the Convention and the global community, national inventory of greenhouse gas sources and sinks, mitigation options, vulnerability, adaptation and abatement analysis of the impacts of climate change. It also serves as a basis for reference on future auditing of greenhouse gas inventory in the country. Nigeria has produced and submitted its first and second National Communications to the UNFCCC in fulfillment of its reporting obligation. Activities are in top gear towards the finalization of the Third National Communication,” said Dr. Tarfa.
“The workshop in Uyo is aimed at subjecting the TNC draft to wide stakeholder’s review to reflect national circumstances and also ensure a transparent, complete, accurate and accountable document,” emphasized Dr. Tarfa.
“If we act in isolation, we’ll never get to where we need to be. But if we work together, we can accomplish great things. There is much to learn from each other as there are great challenges to be addressed. An important feature of this event is its harvesting of views for consideration in finalization of the Third National Communication (TNC) document and to ensure a cross-sectional involvement and national ownership of the document.
“The engagement of all levels of government – local, sub-national and national – is crucial to tackle effectively climate change. This is especially important in the context of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Nigeria under the Paris Agreement. Under the NDC, Nigeria is committed to unconditional reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 20% below Business As Usual (BAU) projections by 2030, and a conditional contribution of 45% reduction, based on commitment with international support.”
Status: Right Direction
The Activity, as reported, has the potential to move the country forward in fulfilling its Paris Agreement pledge, but other steps need to be taken in order for the potential to be fully realized.
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Dr. Peter Tarfa, Director,
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