Category: Turkey News Brief and Action Alert

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Recommendations to Strengthen Turkey’s NDCs

Recommendations to Strengthen Turkey’s NDCs

The NDC Partnership is a network of over 120 countries, facilitated by UNFCCC, that is dedicated to helping each other strengthen their Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Pledges. The Partnership has just released Version 3.0 of the NDC Navigator, an interactive tool that supports the development of updated country NDCs to be submitted in...

Turkey’s Energy Production Methods Depends on Over 85 Percent of Fossil Fuels

Turkey’s Energy Production Methods Depends on Over 85 Percent of Fossil Fuels

Turkey has come a long way since the 1990s, from mostly dependent on fossil fuels to producing more renewable energy. Turkey’s energy production methods are similar to those of comparable countries in the world, with a dependence of over 85 percent on fossil fuels.  In 2019, Turkey’s primary energy supply was around 30 percent oil,...

Climate Change and Summer Heat in Turkey

Climate Change and Summer Heat in Turkey

Between 2010 and 2022, climate change has caused the ten hottest years on record. With the influence of El Nino in 2023, which saw temperature records broken on 179 days in one year, it became the hottest year on record, and it is expected that temperature records will likely continue through the summer of 2024....

Leading Country Climate NGOs: SHURA Energy Transition Center

Leading Country Climate NGOs: SHURA Energy Transition Center

The European Climate Foundation (ECF), Agora Energiewende, and Sabancı University (SU) Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) founded the SHURA Energy Transition Center.             SHURA Energy Transition Center’s (SHURA) mission is to support the debate on the transition to a low-carbon energy system in Turkey through energy efficiency and renewable energy, utilizing fact-based analysis and the...

Turkey Takes the First Step with a Monitoring-Verifying-Reporting System

Turkey Takes the First Step with a Monitoring-Verifying-Reporting System

An Emission Trading System is of considerable significance because of the environmental and economic advantages it offers, such as; Carbon Emission Reduction: It facilitates emissions reduction by implementing measures to control carbon emissions. Reducing emission limits incentivizes businesses to invest in greener technologies. Economic Benefits: Companies can buy and sell within the carbon market while...

Turkey’s Increased Population and Construction have Favored Economic Growth Over Climate Mitigation Policies

Turkey’s Increased Population and Construction have Favored Economic Growth Over Climate Mitigation Policies

The economy in Turkey has been on a growth trend for many years despite the surging inflation since 2022. The growth has been supported by mainly increased population and construction. The continuing increase in the population pushes the demand for energy up with many other needs. As a country experiencing rapid economic and industrial growth...

Turkey Produces Comprehensive GHG Inventories that Are One Year Behind Schedule

Turkey Produces Comprehensive GHG Inventories that Are One Year Behind Schedule

Rating: B   Background: The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change that differs from the Kyoto Protocol. While the latter was only focused on the role of developed countries toward their emissions reduction plans and targets, the Paris Agreement required all developed and developing countries to tackle climate change and...


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