Author: Cecilia Ivardiganapini (Cecilia Ivardiganapini)

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Italy Remains Dependent on Fossil Fuel Imports While the Use of Renewables Grows Slowly

Italy Remains Dependent on Fossil Fuel Imports While the Use of Renewables Grows Slowly

Primary energy supply sources The primary energy supply for Italy over the time period 1990-2018 is derived from the following sources: In recent years Italy introduced measures to address some near-term energy transition goals (coal to gas). Development in the gas sector has been slow, as the graph above shows no major change-over-time. Nevertheless, one...

A Mismatch Between Italy’s Carbon Pricing Regulations and the EU’s Emissions Trading System

A Mismatch Between Italy’s Carbon Pricing Regulations and the EU’s Emissions Trading System

In the European Union (EU), the Emission Trading System (ETS) sets out the policy architecture to introduce carbon pricing. ETS was introduced in 2003 with Directive 2003/87/EC, which was significantly reformed in 2008 when long-term climate targets for the first half of the century were presented in 2011. After the Paris agreement, the Directive was...


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