Author: Judi Walters (Judi Walters)

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Young Australians Want More Action On Climate Change and Natural Hazard Risk Preparation

Young Australians Want More Action On Climate Change and Natural Hazard Risk Preparation

In February 2020 the Australian Institute for Disaster Relief joined with World Vision to complete the largest ever Australian youth survey on climate change and disaster risk: “Our World, Our Say” (see below). Age and gender of participants in the ‘Our World, Our Say’ survey of Australian youth in February 2020 (Source).More than 80% of...

Australian Government Prioritizes Natural Gas Production While Certain States and Territories Seek to Decrease Usage

Australian Government Prioritizes Natural Gas Production While Certain States and Territories Seek to Decrease Usage

Australia is party to the Paris Agreement, under which, it had pledged to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. However, Australia’s economy is heavily reliant on the fossil fuel industry – the major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.In 2020, Australia was ranked as the world’s 7th highest natural gas producer, with an annual production...


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