Ukrainian Climate Goals Still To Be Determined

Ukrainian Climate Goals Still To Be Determined

Along with the appointment of a new Minister, in June the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nature Resources became a separate entity. Some sources (Shevchenko) argue that despite some changes made to the organization, many issues remain unaddressed including:

  • Slowing down of determining a Second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to Paris Agreement;
  • Delays in adjusting emission-licensing procedures from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources;
  • No further work done to set National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Many of the delays are connected to the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in regards to the NDC because of the unsure economic situation.

Paris Agreement

Modelling results for Second Nationally Determined Contribution to Paris Agreement were reported but the exact policy and measures still need to be determined with the NDC goal going unidentified.

Climate policies

Ukraine has taken its first steps towards launching an emission trading system with three recently-approved legal acts for transparent and valid accounting of greenhouse gases. Large- and middle-scaled industries must gain approval of their yearly emissions from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nature Resources after independent examinations from experts. A carbon tax has been in place in Ukraine since 2019 but every industry calculates their emissions with differing methodologies and there is no accountability for checking these reports. The current strategy will help to record more precise levels of emissions and in turn stimulate policies to govern industry polluting and manufacturing improvements.

Policy and Cooperation

In August, the Ukrainian government proposed a joint roadmap with the EU on Ukraine’s participation in European Green Deal. Among the priorities are:

  • improving the energy efficiency of the economy:
  • fair transformation of the coal sector;
  • development of renewable and hydrogen energy;
  • development of national greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system;
  • greening the transport;
  • and scientific cooperation (eg. FuelCellsWorks).

Just Transition

Seven coal-mining cities (members of the Platform for the Sustainable Development of Donetsk Region Cities) are creating their shared strategy for Energy Transformation. This strategy aims at securing former coal-miners of the area with workplaces due to coal phase-out and existing reliance on the industry. As coal-mines become unprofitable, the coal phase-out moves closer towards reality. The Platform recognises the importance of strategic thinking and the need to rebuild the infrastructure of the cities in a more sustainable way. The strategy will include local projects which will provide new workplaces after the closure of the coal-mines (Ecoaction).

The Platform for the Sustainable Development of Donetsk Region Cities also signed a cooperative memorandum with the State Fund for Energy Efficiency to boost local energy effective use (Ecoaction).

Weather events
The year 2020 started comparatively warm and snowless – without an actual meteorological winter (Ukrinform). Consequently, soils were deprived of much-needed precipitation and apprehensiveness about possible water shortages grew. Low moisture content of the soils was one of the main reasons that contributed to the emergence of dust storms in several regions and fires in Chernobyl Zone and Eastern Regions.

Summer brought belated precipitation with strong storms, hurricanes, hails, and floods; one of which includes the largest flood since 2008 that resulted in the loss of homes, destruction of infrastructure, and human casualties (BBC). The Prime Minister estimated the cost of damages to be more than 2 milliard hryvnia.

Activity Rating: *** Right Direction


  1. Minister of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources – Roman Abramovsky:

Email –

  1. Prime Minister – Denis Shmygal:

Email –

Learn More Sources:

Shevchenko Olga. 100 days on the position of the Minister of the Environment:

Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine. State is strengthening the procedure of industry reporting. News:

Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine. MEPR invites stakeholders. News:

Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NASU. 3rd Report about Determining NDC:

FuelCellsWorks. Ukraine government preparing to participate in the European Green Deal.

Ecoaction. Coal-mining cities will create a strategy of Transformation:

Ecoaction. Platform for Sustainable Development of Coal-mining Cities:

Ecoaction. Chronicle of Ukrainian Weather Perturbations caused by Climate Change:

Ukrinform. First in 140 years no meteorological winter observed:

BBC. Flood Consequences in Carpathians:

  1. Floods in Ukraine – what are the costs needed for elimination of the consequences:

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Ukraine Country Manager Anastasia Bushovska

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