South Africa: Organizations Nominated To Support The 2020 Campaign

As part of Climate Scorecard Report #17 we asked our Country Managers to provide a list of organizations in their countries that might help support our 2020 Campaign. Over the next several months we hope to explore whether the organizations listed below, and others, are interested in supporting the Campaign and implementing the recommendations provided by our Country Managers in Report #16.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is South Africa‘s central and premier scientific research and development organization. The organization conducts research, development and innovation; localizes transformative technologies and accelerates their diffusion to improve the competitiveness of high-impact industries.


Dr Jonas Mphepya

Natural Resources and the Environment

Department of Environmental Affairs

Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) is responsible for protecting, conserving, and improving the environment and natural resources. DEA is mandated to give effect to the right of citizens to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being, and to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations. DEA has the authority to ensure that our country creates a new emissions reduction pledge to the Paris Agreement. DEA developed several policies and legal measures to address climate change, thereby seeking to fulfill South Africa’s obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


Ms Nosipho Ngcaba

Director General

Worldwide Fund for Nature 

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961, working in the field of  wilderness preservation, and seeking to reduce human impact on the environment.  WWF promotes a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050. They are driving innovation and transformation towards a low-carbon economy. 


Theresa Frantz

Head of Environmental Programmes

African Climate Reality Project

The Climate Reality Project (ACRP) is one of the world’s leading organizations dedicated to mobilizing action around climate change. The ACRP was established to support African climate leaders.  The ACRP works with African climate leaders, governments, NGOs and scientists across the continent to create tools and resources to support a network of African leaders. ACDC activities include research on climate change, fundraising, network and communication hub and climate story book. 


Gillian Hamilton

Branch Manager

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