France Has an Excellent Climate Change Tracking System that Shows it is Failing to Meet Its 2020 Emissions Goals

Spotlight Activity: France Has an Excellent Climate Change Tracking System that Shows it is Failing to Meet Its 2020 Emissions Goals

In its National Low-Carbon Strategy, Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone, France had set a clear trajectory on reducing CO2 emissions. That strategy is revised every five years and has a yearly follow-up report enabling the country to keep track of progress, and its ability to reach the objectives of the National Decarbonation Strategy.

Aggregated results and 184 detailed indicators are regularly updated on a yearly basis, enabling experts to keep track of any progress or launch alerts when specific targets are not achieved. Furthermore, a 5-year revision cycle enables corrective actions to be taken without any excessive delays.

France has decided to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 and has put in place a set of detailed indicators with sector-by-sector analysis. Unfortunately, this data analysis system tells us that emissions have increased, and France will probably miss its 2020 emissions reduction goal.

Status: Moving Forward

France has an excellent climate change mitigation tracking system. Unfortunately, it shows that emissions reduction has stopped, and France is losing its climate change mitigation leadership, albeit it still has the lowest CO2 emissions per capita of OECD countries.

Take Action

Write to French Republic President, Mr. Emmanuel Macron and Environment Ministers, Mr. François de Rugy, Mrs. Brune Poirson and Mrs Emmanuelle Wargon:

Mister President, Mr. & Mrs Environment Ministers, Dear Sirs, Dear Ladies,

France has an excellent climate change tracking system with 184 indicators. Yet it is failing to reach its emissions targets, despite obvious assets which have been underplayed for political reasons. If you really want to succeed, you need to get France back on track. For France to successfully reach its emissions target, Saving Our Planet and Climate Scorecard can make concrete and realistic proposals.

We are looking forward to your answer and working on climate action together.

With our respectful and best regards,

[sign name]

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and by email to the Environmental Transition Ministry:

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