On 28th November 2018, the European Commission voted for the implementation of a long-term strategy—A Clean Planet for All of a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In order to lead global efforts towards a climate neutral economy. The Commission’s vision involves the bulk of EU policies and can be considered a response to the new IPCC Report and its goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial age temperatures. The objective of this strategy is not to establish targets but to build up general guidelines for stakeholders, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens of EU Member States. The vision looks to fostering the transition to a climate-neutral future environment, hand in hand with a socially and economically inclusive improvement of the quality of life for all citizens.
The Commission acknowledges the crucial necessity for the EU to accelerate the pace of its efforts. For that, it presents five scenarios analyzing several technological routes towards a decrease of 80% of gas emissions by 2050, a sixth scenario seeks to reach a decrease of 90% of gas emissions by 2050, and two more scenarios towards zero emissions by 2050.
Activity Rating: ** Standing Still
It is in Member States’ hands to suggest the draft of their National Climate and Energy Plans to the EU by the end of this year. They will be considered in the Commission’s long-term strategy. Moreover, there are more and more visions formulated by regions, municipalities and private sector entities for 2050. The EU also will enlarge its cooperation in the reduction of gas emissions to these entities.
Take Action:
You can take part to the debate that the European Commission is going to initiate in the first half of 2019 through in Citizens Dialogues on the essential changes our economy and society will enter in order to reach Paris Agreement’s goals.
Learn More:
“A Clean Planet for all A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy”, European Commission, Brussels, 28.11.2018 COM (2018) 773 final
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