Spotlight Issue: The Clean Growth Strategy and the Carbon Emissions Reduction Bill
In October of 2017 the UK government published its Clean Growth Strategy, outlining various ways in which to achieve targets outlined in the Paris Agreement. The Strategy allocates a total of 2.5 billion pounds from 2015- 2021 for low carbon innovations, including 460 million to nuclear power and 177 million to renewable energy. The strategy breaks down each sector, such as transport, businesses, home, industrial, etc, and outlines a plan to reduce emissions for each one. While this strategy is ambitious and has many good policy recommendations, it is not legally binding.
IPCC scenarios and models have predicted that the UK must reach a zero net carbon emissions by 2055-2075 for at least a 66% likelihood of staying below 2°C and total GHG emissions must reach net zero by 2080-2090. In addressing these models, the Carbon Emissions Reductions Bill [HL] 2017-19 has been proposed which aims to amend the target for reaching net carbon emissions in the UK to 100% by 2050. This bill has originated in the House of Lords and has passed through the first reading state. The date for the second reading stage is yet to be announced. There is already a European Union target for net zero GHG emissions by 2050 in place. While the UK bill is a step in the right direction, it could be more ambitious by including all GHG emissions, instead of just carbon.
Status: Right Direction
Take Action
Personal letters, emails and phone calls have the most influence and impact on decision makers and policy makers so we encourage you to contact each individual directly. However if you don’t have time, fill out your name and email and click below and the message will be sent on behalf of yourself and Climate Scorecard.
Write to Prime Minister, Theresa May and Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, Greg Clarke to congratulate the UK on setting ambitious policy goals in the Clean Growth Strategy and to call for more legally binding actions.
Contact your local MP and urge them to support the Carbon Emissions Reductions Bill when it goes through the House of Commons and to consider strengthening it by including all GHG emissions rather than just carbon.
For information on who your local MP is and how to contact them visit this website:
Theresa May
Telephone: 020 7219 5206
Address: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Greg Clarke
Address: Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET
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