Turkey Media Organizations

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Broadcast Media

Sürdürülebilir Yaşam TV – Sustainable Living Collective broadcasts documentaries and movies through its website Surdurulebiliryasam.tv under several topics related to sustainable living. The collective organizes a Sustainable Living Film Festival simultaneously in 20 cities across Turkey in cooperation with local NGOs and activist groups every year.

Content Samples:

The collective is supported by individual volunteers as well as professional organizations. The purpose is to bring people together to work to make a positive change. There are several short film videos that are posted under the topic of sustainable living. One of the latest short films, “Earth is Our Home,” is about climate change; one of the biggest problems that threatens both humanity and our planet.

Learn more: http://surdurulebiliryasam.tv/film/dunya-bizim-evimiz

Contact: info@surdurulebiliryasam.tv
Print Media

EKO IQ is a magazine that has been published since 2010. Its purpose is to become a communication tool in Turkey against unsustainable living of individuals and practices of companies. They try to create a sustainable mindset for all individuals from the business world to NGOs, from scientists to children.
EKOIQ is published by Sürdürülebilirlik Yönetim ve İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. (Sustainability Management and Communication Services Company) and it is the first carbon neutral magazine of Turkey.

Content Sample:

News, interviews, and articles can be found on their website under several topics related to sustainability. One of the latest articles discusses the “Fighting Climate Change from the Perspective of Economic Policies” report of TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association). It covers an interview with Prof. Dr. Erinç Yeldan who also helped prepare this report. He says the most important conclusion of the report is that the economic effects of reducing carbon emissions can be “invigorating”. However, the crucial issue that needs to be emphasized is: Political will and social stability.

Learn more: http://ekoiq.com/emisyon-azaltimi-ekonomik-canlandirici-bile-olabilir-ama/

Contact: dergi@ekoiq.com

Online Media

Çevreci TV is a group of journalist who have struggled to protect the environment and have no other concern than leaving a clean and livable world to future generations established the site cevrecitv.com
It was created by Sezgin Akkoyun who broadcast one of Turkey’s first environmental programs called, “Çevre ve İnsan”. Their belief is that they will ultimately end up defeating the environmental opponents.

Content Samples:

There are several news articles, interviews, and videos posted on their website that are related to environmental issues. One of the latest post covers “Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources Project”. The application area of the project is 25 river basins covering all of Turkey and the projection period is from 2015 to 2100.

Learn more: http://cevrecitv.com/2017/01/24/goruntulu-haber-iklim-degisikliginin-su-kaynaklarina-etkisi-projesi/

Contact: haber@cevrecitv.com


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