Category: Canada News Brief and Action Alert

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Leading Country Climate NGOs: Environmental Defence, Canada

Leading Country Climate NGOs: Environmental Defence, Canada

Environmental Defence has been a leading non-partisan Canadian environmental advocacy organization for 35 years. It works with government, industry, and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate, and healthy communities.  Major issues this organization has tackled include Canada’s $18.6 billion in fossil fuel subsidies, carbon capture and storage not being the solution, the need...

Conflicts Between Climate Mitigation and Economy in Canada

Conflicts Between Climate Mitigation and Economy in Canada

Ecojustice (Canada’s largest environmental law charity) explains that choosing between a healthy environment and a strong economy is a flawed lens through which we’ve been conditioned to view the challenges Canada faces when it comes to industrial development, protecting the well-being of communities, and preserving our natural heritage. A healthy environment supports a sustainable economy...

Canada’s Most Significant Climate Policies and Programs in 2023

Canada’s Most Significant Climate Policies and Programs in 2023

A proposed Federal Nature Accountability Bill: Canada’s pledge (2022) to protect a third of Canada’s land and water by 2030 is legislation. As Scorecard looks back on 2023, Canada’s adaptation strategy (2022) appears underfunded, and its mitigation strategy (2022) needs faster implementation to reach the 1.5 C target.  Each year, Canada’s COP28 announcements intensify the...

Canada: Model Community Climate Mitigation Programs

Canada: Model Community Climate Mitigation Programs

OTTAWA Canada’s Climate Atlas affirms over 80% of Canadians live in cities and towns. This dense concentration of people, government, business, infrastructure, and economic resources makes cities a powerful source of resilience and resourcefulness in taking action on climate change. A mid-size Canadian city that stands out for climate action is Ottawa. Their plan and...

Canada: COP 28 Recommendations for Strengthening Country Climate Ambition

Canada: COP 28 Recommendations for Strengthening Country Climate Ambition

The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change House of Common, Ottawa, ON  K1A 0A6   Hello Sir, My name is Diane Szoller. I am Canada’s Country Manager for Climate Scorecard, a non-profit organization that monitors the climate policies and programs of leading greenhouse gas-emitting countries. Visit ( your commitments and progress...


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