This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Ukraine Country Manager Anastasiia Bushovska In Ukraine, there are 259 cities that signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, among which 161 pledged to reduce carbon emissions by 30% by 2030. Some of these also pledged to reach 100% renewable energy threshold by 2050. Among those...
Author: Anastasiia Bushovska (Anastasiia Bushovska)
The City of the Sun Project in Ukraine
By Climate Scorecard Ukraine Country Manager Anastasia Bushovska Slavutych, population 25 000, is a Ukrainian city developed for the evacuated personnel of Chernobyl. In 2019, funded by equity crowdfunding, the “City of the Sun” project was created to promote the use of solar energy among the population. The city aimed at establishing its own solar...
Ukraine Government Fails to Adequately Support Renewable Energy
As outlined in the table below, the major sources of electricity in Ukraine during the first 6 months of 2020 included nuclear power, thermal power, and hydroelectric power. Total electricity production for this time period was 73 431 million kWh with electricity exports equaling 2 676,4 million kWh and imports equaling 1 756,6 million kWh....
Ukrainian Climate Goals Still To Be Determined
Along with the appointment of a new Minister, in June the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nature Resources became a separate entity. Some sources (Shevchenko) argue that despite some changes made to the organization, many issues remain unaddressed including: Slowing down of determining a Second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to Paris Agreement; Delays in adjusting...
Green Jobs are Needed in More than Just the Energy Sector in Ukraine
At the moment, the government of Ukraine does not focus on developing “green” jobs, as well as the development of a green economy. But even without support at the national level, green jobs develop in different sectors. The concept of “green jobs” is almost never discussed in Ukraine, even in public debate. When green jobs...