Author: Hagga Osman (Hagga Osman)

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Recommendations to Strengthen the UK’s NDCs

Recommendations to Strengthen the UK’s NDCs

The NDC Partnership is a network of over 120 countries, facilitated by UNFCCC, that is dedicated to helping each other strengthen their Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Pledges. The Partnership has just released Version 3.0 of the NDC Navigator, an interactive tool that supports the development of updated country NDCs to be submitted in...

The UK’s “Net Zero Strategy” Aims to Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Across the British Economy by 2050

The UK’s “Net Zero Strategy” Aims to Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Across the British Economy by 2050

The average percentage of the UK’s energy from renewables increased from 10.7% in 2014 to 40.6% in 2024, while the percentage of the UK’s energy from fossil fuels declined. Energy is the backbone of the UK’s economy; sectors relying on energy include industrial, residential, transportation, agriculture, commercial, services, and others. Energy sources to supply these...

The Effect of Extreme Heat Varies in Different Parts of the UK

The Effect of Extreme Heat Varies in Different Parts of the UK

The UK Meteorological Office annually publishes a report called “UK State of the Climate” using data records from the land weather station network and the HadUK-Grid dataset. These reports compare annual weather and climate data to the recorded historical averages to find out and record changes in the climate. These reports have shown that since 1884,...


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