Mexico–220 billion Mexican pesos spent in subsidies in 2012, 1.4% of Mexico’s GDP For a long time, talks against fossil fuel subsidies in Mexico were common in political and academic circles, as well as in several newspapers. For many, subsidies symbolized a national budgetary expenditure that could be better used for other social programs (according...
Author: admincitizen
Japan Subsidies
Japan—US$376 million With scarce and rapidly dwindling fossil fuel resources of its own, Japan engages in only a small amount of domestic oil and gas exploration. It relies heavily on fossil fuel imports to meet its energy needs, particularly since the accelerated phase-out of nuclear power following the Fukushima disaster in March 2011. So while...
Italy Subsidies
Italy—14.6 billion Euros in 2016 Italy directly and indirectly subsidized fossil fuels for 14.8 billion Euros in 2016, and 13.2 billion Euros in 2015. Subsidies are given to both production and consumption, which include exemption from paying excises, discounts and discounted financing. The top sector receiving subsidies is transportation. For the first time, the Italian...
Indonesia Subsidies
Indonesia—8 billion USD in 2015/ 4 billion US in 2016 In 2015, $22.1 billion was initially allocated to fuel subsidies. In that year, major reforms in energy subsidies were implemented. Indonesia’s energy subsidies, especially for fossil fuel, have been a drain on the state budget. In 2013, 17% of government expenditure went to energy subsidies....
India Subsidies
India—US$20.4 billion in 2016 The total value of energy subsidies from the central government of India, quantified in a latest inventory, has declined substantially between 2014 and 2016, from 35.8 billion USD to 20.4 billion USD. The same report points out that 18 subsidies are provided by the central government to both coal mining and...
Germany Subsidies
Germany—Between 2014 and 2016, Germany provided fiscal support valued at €33.3 billion and public finance of €2.4 billion per year Germany is one of the countries in the EU region that reports its subsidies on fossil fuels on a biannual basis in a transparent manner (Gençsü and Zerzawy, 2017). Fossil fuel subsidies are financial support...
China Subsidies
China—partial estimate 15.42 billion; complete estimate is not available The amount of subsidies that China provides to its fossil fuel industry has long remained a mystery. However, in September 2016, the US and China agreed upon a fossil fuel peer review process. The review was intended to stimulate a reform of such subsidies, which both...
Canada Subsidies
Canada—46.4 billion per annum Canada paid $3.314 billion (on oil and gas subsidies) to its fossil fuel industry last year, and $2.9 billion in 2013. The amount changes yearly, $3.314 billion is an average based on 2013-2015 data. Subsidies are usually associated with production, field development, extraction, and exploration. However, the International Monetary Fund estimated...
Brazil Subsidies
Brazil—$59.3 billion per annum from subsidies to private companies. Infrastructure incentive grants and state-owned energy company investments Subsidies to fossil fuels continue to be a major part of the developmental strategy in Brazil. In a 2015 study for the ODI and the G20 by Canadian researcher Ravenna Nuaimy-Barker, the authors found that Brazil´s subsidies to...
Australia Subsidies
Australia—$11 billion per annum from tax-based subsidies There are a number of national tax-based subsidies that encourage fossil fuel production and consumption, adding up to a huge total of almost $11 billion each year. Using estimates from the federal government’s Tax Expenditure Statement and Treasury papers, the table below lists a range of measures within...