Decrease Turkey’s Energy Intensity and Strengthen Its Energy Efficiency Standards

According to the recently published IPPC report, the world community needs to take immediate steps to reach 1.5 degree Celsius goal instead of 2 degree Celsius to avoid the disastrous consequences of global warming. The Paris Agreement pledges are not sufficient to reach this goal so countries are expected to go beyond their initial goals.

Although Turkey has not yet ratified the Paris Agreement, it still needs to strengthen its emission reduction targets. One way of doing this is to take steps to decrease Turkey’s energy intensity and strengthen its energy efficiency standards, especially in the transport sector. According to the 2018 Energy Efficiency Report of Turkey published by the General Directorate of Renewable Energy, the primary energy intensity of Turkey was 0,12 KEP/2010$ in 2016. The world average in primary energy density is 0,18 KEP/2010$. The average of OECD and EU-28 countries is 0.11 and 0.09 KEP/2010$, respectively. It is seen that even though Turkey’s primary energy intensity is lower than the world average, compared with the average of the EU-28 countries, it remains high.

Turkey’s Energy Efficiency Strategy Report which covers the years 2012-2023 targets 20% decrease in primary energy intensity by 2023 compared to the base year 2011. This reduction is also in line with Turkey’s Paris agreement pledge, which is not ambitious enough.
The fourth edition of ACEEE’s International Energy Efficiency Scorecard examines the efficiency policies and performance of 25 of the world’s top energy-consuming countries. Together these nations represent 78% of all the energy consumed on the planet and more than 80% of the world’s gross domestic product in 2014. Turkey ranked 16th out of 25 countries which shows us the opportunity to set higher goal and review its pledge of 21% reduction in emissions reduction by 2030 compared to a business as usual scenario.

Figure: Rankings by Country, The 2018 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard
According to the study, Turkey has already achieved 14,4% decrease in energy intensity between 2010 and 2015. This is also another indicator that Energy Efficiency Strategy Report’s goal of 20% decrease in energy intensity by 2023 should be strengthened, which will also contribute to meeting the IPCC’s new global 1.5 degree Celsius global warming goal.

Activity Rating: *** Right Direction

Higher than 20% decrease in energy intensity by 2023 is doable but will require some extra effort. Turkey has been setting standards and providing incentives for buildings and industry. However, the transportation sector which is one of the top 3 most energy consumer sector, has not received enough attention. According to the International Energy Efficiency Scorecard this is largely due to the lack of fuel economy standards, low use of public transit, marginal investments in rail transit, and high intensity of freight transport.

Take Action: Please send the following message to the policymaker below:

The Ministry of Energy and Natural resources should review the Energy Efficiency Strategy Document, especially for the transportation sector. The best practices of energy efficiency applications of OECD and EU-28 countries and their applicability to Turkey should be considered as standards. Turkey can also benefit from enacting tax incentives aimed at promoting the deployment of energy-efficient technologies

Send Action Alert Message to:
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources – General Directorate of Renewable Energy
Address: Eski?ehir yolu 7. km No:166 Posta kodu:06520 Çankaya – ANKARA
Tel: + 90 312 295 50 00

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Turkey Country Manager Ozlem Duyan: Contact

Türkiye Enerji Verimlili?i Geli?im Raporu 2018, Enerji Verimlili?i Dairesi Ba?kanl??? Ölçme ve De?erlendirme Grubu

ACEEE, The 2018 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard

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