Spotlight Issue: Evaluation of National Public Policies on Climate Change
The General Law of Climate Change states that every two years a special commission from the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) should evaluate the performance of national public policies regarding climate change. Following this requirement, in October of 2017 the director of INECC presented the results of the evaluation to the members of the Climate Change Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Congress. The assessed policies were the Special Program on Climate Change 2014-2018 (PECC) and the Climate Change Transversal Attachment of the Federal Expense Budget (AT-CC).
Regarding the PECC, a policy that sets mitigation and adaptation targets for different federal agencies, the commission found that although the legal base is well established, it still lacks defined budgets, and a system in charge of monitoring, reporting and verifying advances, which, by March of 2017, were only 43%.
In the case of the AT-CC, which is the expense that the Federal Government allocates for climate change mitigation and adaptation activities, the commission considered that it is difficult to follow results and identify how much has been spent on specific actions, and that this is mostly due to lack of institutional coordination with a special focus on climate change.
Status: Right Direction ★ ★ ★
By constantly evaluating the performance of national policies on climate change mitigation and adaptation, Mexico is able to determine its advances and weaknesses in its compliance of the Paris Agreement. In this case, the evaluation showed that we have a good legal base but more needs to be done in order to fulfill Mexico’s Paris Agreement pledge.
Take Action
Following the evaluation, INECC has published a series of recommendations directed to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, members of the legislative power, and especially, the Interministerial Commission of Climate Change, an entity composed by members of 14 Federal Ministries with the goal of coordinating the Federal Government’s actions regarding climate change. It is headed by the president, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources.
You can get involved by making sure that these recommendations are being acted upon by these three institutions.
Personal letters, emails and phone calls have the most influence and impact on decision makers and policy makers so we encourage you to contact each individual directly. However if you don’t have time, fill out your name and email and click below and the message will be sent on behalf of yourself and Climate Scorecard.
Secretary of Finance and Public Credit- José Antonio González Anaya
Telephone: 36882000
Address: Palacio Nacional (Calle Correo Mayor esquina con calle Soledad),
Col. Centro, Delegación Cuauhtémoc,
Ciudad de México, México.
Z.C. 06060
Climate Change Commission of the Chamber of Deputies
Telephone: 5036 0000 Ext. 57194
Address: Edificio D, piso 4. Av. Congreso de la Unión 66,
Col. El Parque, Delegación Venustiano Carranza,
Ciudad de México, México.
Z.C. 15960
Interministerial Commission of Climate Change
Secretary of the Interior- Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong
Telephone: 57287300 Ext. 32401
Address: Bucarelli 99,
Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc,
Ciudad de México, México.
Z.C. 06600
Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources- Rafael Pacchiano Alamán
Telephone: 54900900 Ext. 12000/12076/12001
Address: Ejercito Nacional 223,
Col. Anáhuac, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo,
Ciudad de México, México,
Z.C. 11320
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