Mexico Emission Reduction Policy

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Special Program on Climate Change (PECC)

The Special Program on Climate Change, PECC, is a federal level policy first published in 2009 as a result of the continuous involvement of the Mexican government in national and international debates surrounding climate change. It sets a long-term agenda, while also presenting short and medium-term plans. Currently Mexico is working with the updated PECC 2014-2018, following the PECC that lasted from 2009 to 2012.

Derived from the General Law on Climate Change and the National Strategy of Climate Change, and aligned with the government’s National Development Plan, the program presents mitigation and adaptation targets that need to be achieved by different federal agencies, identifying their strategic roles. This involves using the same indicators and measurements for different sectors and feeding them to an online system from which the Intersecretarial Commission on Climate Change can evaluate progress.

The PECC has been praised for setting cross-sectoral goals that bring together federal agencies to consider different climate change variables, such as gender, in its targets. It serves as an example for the creation of climate change programs at the state level. However, it has been noted that it remains too vague in certain aspects, that its measuring methodologies increase uncertainty, and that it lacks a way of sharing its advances with the public. Nevertheless, the measures implemented after the creation of the PECC have been linked to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. By following the recommendations and suggestions presented in the evaluations of the PECC, it has the potential to contribute to Mexico’s plan to face climate change.

Learn More

PECC 2014-2018 (in English and Spanish) and

Progress report of PECC 2009-2012 (in Spanish)

Evaluation of PECC 2009-2012 (in Spanish)

Analysis of the PECC 2014-2018 (in English)


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