Ukraine Subnational Best Practices

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All the cities below are signatories of the Covenant of Mayors. These cities have voluntarily committed to reduce their CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020 through increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories.

Due to flaws of Soviet-period construction, the majority of housing stock in Ukraine is defined by very poor energy efficiency. Since optimizing energy consumption requires joint efforts of dwellers, housing cooperative makes a useful ownership form for arrangements between apartment owners and state initiatives in the field of energy efficiency.

Dolyna—A small town in Ivano-Frankivsk region was among the first ten cities in Ukraine to sign The Covenant of Mayors. The first energy efficiency projects were launched in 2010. Today, energy consumption of public institutions in the city are monitored online, with 60 percent of the institutions having been insulated to reduce thermal loss. Gas consumption in the public sector has been decreased by 62 percent; the share of alternative energy sources already constitutes 31 percent. A project for thermal insulation of condominiums with the budget of over 1 million euro is currently being implemented in the city. It is expected that in three years about one third of housing facilities will be thermally modernized.

Mayor – Volodymyr Harazd
Address: Prospect Nezalezhnosti Dolyna, 77500 Ukraine
Telephone: +38 (03477) 270305

Lutsk—Housing cooperatives (OSBB in Ukrainian) are being actively created in this city. In 2013, there were 10 OSBB associations, while today they are more than 300. Such a form of association allows co-owners to get loans from banks for thermal modernization of their houses. Also, interest rate payments within these loans are being partly reimbursed from the government budget. Lutsk was one of the first cities that began financial support for housing cooperatives (reimbursed from municipal budget up to 70%.) Notable improvements in public institutions started after approval of a Municipal Energy Plan a few years ago. Thanks to the activities for energy efficiency and online monitoring program in public institutions, gas consumption has decreased by 58%, hot water – 33%, heat – 37% since 2013.

”Luchany” Condominium Association
Address: 22a, Vidrodzennya Street, Lutsk 43000 Ukraine
Telephone: +38 (0332) 28 66 72

Lviv—Among Ukrainian cities, Lviv has been a pioneer in promoting energy efficiency. Since 2005, the city has implemented energy management in public institutions. Housing cooperatives are being actively created in the city. 357 were created in 2016 (37% of the total number of registered). The municipal program provides financial rebates for thermal modernization of condominiums. The City of Lviv implements a host of measures to improve public transport, walking and cycling. The city has an ambitious program to build a 268 kilometer cycling network by 2020. Ninety km of cycling paths were built by the end of 2016. For the first time in the last 10 years, a new tram line was built in Lviv. The new route connects the biggest residential area, Sykhiv, where almost 150 thousand residents live, with the city center.

Mayor – Andrii Sadovyy
Address: 1, Rynok Sq, Lviv 79008 Ukraine
Telephone: +38 (032) 297-59-00


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