India Subnational Best Practices

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Gujarat State Gandhinagar District—In the Gandhinagar district of Gujarat, an initiative has been taken by the Gujarat Ecology Commission, and the Forest Department to reduce greenhouse gases through the development of mangroves. Gujarat has introduced the Community Based Mangrove Management model. More than 15,000 ha of Mangrove plantation were carried out through the active involvement of local communities. In addition, Gujarat promoted a mangrove conservation plan. By keeping more mangroves intact, approximately 13 million metric tonnes, of carbon dioxide has been prevented from being released into the atmosphere. This is almost the equivalent to taking 344,000 vehicles off the road each year.

Dr. H.A. Solanki, Professor, Gujarat University
Telephone:  9898119766
Arunachal Pradesh State—Arunachal Pradesh ranks among the lowest GHG emitting states of India. Less infrastructure development, low carbonization levels, high utilization of bio mass for energy and power generation from renewable sources (hydro), and the absence of industries are the major factors contributing to their low levels of GHG emissions. About 59 % of GHG emissions come from the energy category. The State is undertaking carbon sink enhancement projects that will cover 1.747 million hectares with an intention to increase forest cover and eco-restoration of degraded forests. The annual incremental carbon sink enhancement potential is estimated to be 20.6 million tonnes of carbon or about 75 million tonnes of CO2 by 2020.

Sri Bilatee Pertin, IAS- Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
Mail:  Secretary to Governor / Secretary (Planning), Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Raj Bhawan, Itanagar-791111
Telephone: 2006201, or, 9436271271


Madurai, Tamil Nadu—Madurai is also one of the five cities declared to be the least polluted in India by the World Health Organization (WHO). Although vehicular emissions have increased, coping strategies are also improving.

Bengaluru—Bengaluru stands in the 43rd position in the same ranking with a RSPM count of 71mg/cubic meter. The city has also topped the charts for becoming one of the safest places for patients with respiratory problems due to the commendable quality of their air.

Agartala, Tripura—Agartala lies in the North-east as the capital of Tripura. The city is lush green with a good amount of carbon dioxide absorbing agents. Its pollution free air is one of the reasons that it attracts tourists from big cities.


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