Reports Archive

View Climate Scorecard Reports 1-16

Country Summary Report #16: Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Leading Greenhouse Gas Emitting Countries

Climate Scorecard Report #16 summarizes recent annual fossil fuel subsidies and policies of the 20-leading greenhouse gas emitting countries. They range in magnitude from $60.9 billion (Saudi Arabia) to $667 million (South Korea). It should be noted that many countries, e.g. China and Turkey, do not make available information on the full amount of their fossil fuel subsidies. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #15: Results from Climate Change Public Opinion Surveys in Countries Around the World

Climate Scorecard Report #15 highlights the results of climate change public opinion surveys that have been conducted in leading greenhouse gas emitting countries over the last five years. The surveys also reveal the need for increased efforts in all countries to better inform citizens about the nature of climate change and the importance of both their governments and individuals taking stronger action to mitigate the impact of global warming. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #14: Trends Towards Renewable Energy Use

Climate Scorecard Report #14 reinforces what we learned in our Report #12 where we assessed the status of country efforts to date to implement the Paris Agreement and found most countries either standing still or falling behind. Report #14 pushes the envelope further in its call to countries that have signed the Paris Agreement to step up their efforts. The hour is getting late. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #13: Trends Towards Renewable Energy Use

Climate Scorecard Report #13 focuses on efforts to reach the 100% renewable energy standard by 22 of the leading greenhouse gas emitting countries. This report identifies the current level of each country’s commitment and highlights successful efforts being implemented at the local and regional level. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #12: 22 Projects That Can Help The Paris Agreement Succeed

Climate Scorecard Country Report #12 covers 22 projects have been chosen not only because they are an innovative ways to help meet each nation’s emission reduction pledge to the Paris Agreement, but also because they are scalable and replicable. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #11: A Checkup on Country Efforts to Implement the Paris Agreement

Climate Scorecard Country Report #11 ranks each country as Moving Forward, Standing Still, or Falling Behind in terms of their current efforts to implement the Paris Agreement. Only 6 of the 22 countries surveyed are Moving Forward with The Paris Agreement. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #10: National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Policies

Climate Scorecard Country Report #10 provides descriptions of climate change policies that have been put in place by the leading greenhouse gas emitting countries. These policies provide important insights on what each country is doing to reduce emissions and implement the Paris Agreement. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #9: Extreme Weather Events

Climate Scorecard Country Report #9 focuses on documenting extreme weather events over the past three years in the world’s leading greenhouse gas emitting countries. Climate change is affecting country plans for economic development and growth, eroding basic infrastructure, ruining the livelihoods of millions of people, affecting health and taking peoples’ lives. Our Report shows that no country or region is being spared. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #8: Climate Change-Focused Media Organizations

Climate Scorecard Country Report #8 highlights media outlets and provides background and context to the varying degrees of freedom allowed the press in different countries globally, including South Korea, Turkey and Russia. The work of environmental media in countries around the world is central to creating public awareness about climate change. Environmental media also provide important information and analysis about policies and events that are shaping each country’s response to the Paris Agreement. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #7: Subnational Best Practices

Climate Scorecard Country Report #7 considers recent developments around the world that open the question of the degree to which countries that signed the Paris Agreement are going to be able to comply with its provisions. A new administration in the United States, for example, is threatening to withdraw from the Agreement altogether. Many countries, such as Brazil, Turkey and South Africa, are being buffeted by political and economic crisis that constrain them from focusing on Paris Agreement commitments. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #6: Climate Program Leaders & Opponents

Climate Scorecard Country Report #6 contains profiles of leading climate program government officials, advocates and opponents in the top 25 greenhouse-gas emitting countries. The leaders profiled in this Report play important roles in the implementation of the Paris Agreement within their countries and internationally. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #5: Leading Research Studies

Climate Scorecard Country Report #5 focuses on research studies undertaken in the top 25 leading greenhouse gas emitting countries. The studies range in scope and focus, from forecasting national emission trends to the perception of climate change by a country’s citizens. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #4: Emissions Reduction Policies

Climate Scorecard Country Report #4 describes leading policies that are being used to help reduce emissions in the 25 leading greenhouse gas emitting countries. In many countries these policies have been introduced at the federal level but require state level buy-in and adaptation. In many countries these policies must co-exist and sometimes compete. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #3: Energy Production Trends

The third Country Report Summary focuses on analyzing energy trends in the top 25 greenhouse gas emitting countries. The Report presents how each country’s energy system is structured and the energy sources each nation uses to address the needs of consumers and industry. The Report also provides profiles of leading energy production companies for each country. Download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #2: Emission Reduction Challenges

This second Country Report Summary asks the question: What are the leading emission reduction challenges facing the top 25 greenhouse gas emission producing countries? Climate Scorecard Country Managers in our 25 countries were asked to provide answers to this question based on their knowledge, interviews with local experts in their countries and a review of local articles and media posts. A compilation of their responses can be found in the report, download the PDF here.

Country Summary Report #1: Ratification Status

The Climate Scorecard Project on 8 August 2016 released a report describing efforts by the 25 top greenhouse gas emitting countries to ratify the Paris Agreement to combat climate change (see attached document). The Report reveals the intricacies of politics and policies that affect almost all countries as they seek to ratify the Paris Agreement. A large number of the 25 countries look as if they will be able to ratify the Agreement by 2018. However most countries face one or more of the following ratification challenges: dependence on fossil fuel energy sources; rising consumer demand for energy; dysfunctional bureaucracies, and strong political opposition to government regulation. This information is provided by an on-the-ground team of environmental professionals representing each of the 25 countries.

Status of National Efforts to Ratify the Paris Agreement: download the PDF.


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