Category: Russia News Brief and Action Alert

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Climate Mitigation Strategic Priorities for Russia

Climate Mitigation Strategic Priorities for Russia

Priorities Ensure a low-level greenhouse gas emissions by implementing the Ministry of Economic Development scenario for reducing emissions Expansion of investment programs to support renewable energy projects An increase in the use of renewable energy in the country’s energy and transport sectors Termination of subsidized support for oil companies and the revision of railway tariffs...

Russia Has Several Excellent Climate Data Analytical Sectors

Russia Has Several Excellent Climate Data Analytical Sectors

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael OshchepkovBest Organizational Sources: Climate Center of Roshydromet; Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat); Government of Russia Analytical Center    At the moment, Russia is undergoing a period of transition. After joining in the Paris Climate Agreement, Russian businesses were given a signal about the beginning...

Siberia’s 2021 fires were stronger than the fires in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the United States, and Canada combined

Siberia’s 2021 fires were stronger than the fires in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the United States, and Canada combined

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael Oshchepkov   Throughout the past year, the impact of climate change has increasingly become evident by a series of extreme weather events around the world—Russia is no exception. Climate change is accelerating in the country as we speak and local residents are facing unprecedented...

Russia Plans to Have 45-50% of Its Electricity Supply Derive from Nuclear Power by 2050

Russia Plans to Have 45-50% of Its Electricity Supply Derive from Nuclear Power by 2050

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael OshchepkovSince the Russian state was formed in 1991, nuclear power has been playing an increasingly important role in the country’s economic development efforts. If in 1991 the share of nuclear power usage was about 11.2% in total Russia’s energy balance, in 2019 it amounted...

Russia’s Largest Obstacle: An Outdated Fuel and Energy System

Russia’s Largest Obstacle: An Outdated Fuel and Energy System

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael Oshchepkov Emissions from motor vehicles is a major obstacle to achieving the Russian goal of reducing energy intensity of GDP by 25% by 2025 and reducing automobile emissions by 60% by 2030. Currently, motor vehicles in Russia run mainly on petroleum products. Only about...

Russia Has Set an Ambitious Goal for Reducing Emissions by 2030

Russia Has Set an Ambitious Goal for Reducing Emissions by 2030

This post was submitted by Russia Country Manager Michael OshchepkovAccording to the international scientific and political consensus, the main cause of climate change on the planet is the increase in the average annual temperature of the atmosphere. The main causes are primarily carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), which accounted for 63.1% and 32.4% of...

Russia Spotlight City: Moscow

Russia Spotlight City: Moscow

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael Oshchepkov Even though Russia does not project an image of a country that is deeply concerned about climate change mitigation, there are a few cities which are actually worried about this problem. Of course, no other city in the country embodies these sentiments quite...

Best Climate Practice Russia: The Russian Socio-Ecological Union (RSEU)

Best Climate Practice Russia: The Russian Socio-Ecological Union (RSEU)

Submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael Oshchepkov As NGOs typically call attention to shortcomings in services provided by the state, there are some “red lines” impeding their broad activities in the Russian Federation. Despite this situation, there are both local NGOs and branches of international NGOs in Russia with hardly any having a...

Microgeneration Law in Russia

Microgeneration Law in Russia

By Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Maria Stambler (Photo: is the small-scale generation of heat and electric power by individuals, small businesses, and communities to meet their own needs as an alternative to centralized grid-connected power. Although this may be motivated by practical considerations (i.e. unreliable grid power, long distance from the electrical grid) the term is mainly...


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