Italy Survey

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Unlike the rest of Europe, right-leaning Italians are more concerned about climate change (78%) than left-leaning Italians (64%).

In a survey conducted by the research company GfK on behalf of the World Wildllife Fund climate change is one of the most serious environmental issues for 73% of Italians along with air and water pollution. About 88.5% of respondents believe that climate change is man-made while only 6% believe there is no correlation between climate change and human activities. Furthermore, 85% of respondents declared to be open to changing habits in a way that reduces GHG emissions. The openness to change lifestyle and reduce consumption is higher among groups with higher levels of education.

Finally, respondents indicated entities that in their opinion are at the forefront of the fight against climate change: first are environmental organizations (61%), then the EU (36%), and lastly the Italian government (15%) and oil companies (13%) with much lower scores. The survey was conducted on November 7-9 2016 on a sample of 1,500 Italians using CATI CAMI, CAWI (computer-assisted telephone/web/mobile interviewing) methodology.

The Pew Research Center conducted its Global Attitudes Survey (GAS) in the spring 2016 analyzing citizens’ opinion of 10 different European countries, among which were Italy, Spain, France, Germany, UK, Poland, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden. Global climate change was listed as the second major global threat on average, and 72% of Italian respondents listed it as a major threat to their country. Worries about global climate change have increased since 2013, when the percentage was 64%.

A second interesting insight reveals that unlike the rest of Europe, right-leaning Italians are more concerned about climate change (78%) than left-leaning Italians (64%). In Europe, this is only true for Italy and Hungary.

The GAS for Italy was conducted with face to face mode in Italian between April 9 and May 10 2016. The sample size was 1,016.

Learn More
To read further on the 2017 GfK survey
To read more about the 2017 Pew survey


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