Spain Renewable Energy

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Spain—No 100% Commitment by 2050
Benchmark: The Galacia regional government has committed to reach 100% renewables by 2050

Spain is still working towards its 2020 goal of having 20% of its total energy consumption derived from clean energy sources. However, the country as a whole does not have a clear path to pursue after 2020.
Each region of Spain can set its own goals that go beyond the ones set by the European parliament and the government itself. Galicia, for example, located in the northwest corner of Spain, is an autonomous community that is committed to having an economy based on 100% renewable energy by 2050. Right now, the renewable energy in Galicia represents 52.6% of its total energy produced.

The government of Spain recently let out contracts for as much as 3.9 billion euros to supply electricity from clean-energy sources to meet the goals for 2020. Bids were submitted promising to supply at least 2 gigawatts and as much as 3 gigawatts of power from clean energy sources, mostly wind power.
One of the bidders was Siemens Gamesa that is building a wind power park in Tenerife. Gas Natural FENOSA, another winning bidder, will invest 200 million euros in Galicia to create another wind power park. FENOSA, recently announced an alliance with the car dealer SEAT to promote the use of natural gas in the transportation industry.

According to the Iberic association of natural gas for mobility, the registrations of motor vehicles powered by natural gas in Spain increased by 133% in 2016. 6,100 motor vehicles powered by natural gas are now running across the country; of which almost 1,700 are small vehicles and more than 4,200 are heavy vehicles including buses and trucks.

In July, there was another auction from the Spanish government seeking to obtain contracts for 3 more gigawatts of energy from sources based on wind and photovoltaic power.

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Gas Natural Fenosa anuncia 200 MW de energía eólica en Galicia

Gas Natural Fenosa y SEAT se alían para fomentar el gas como combustible de vehículos


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