Nigeria—Moving Forward
Nigeria has made some progress with respect to the Paris Agreement. It signed the agreement in September 2016 and ratified it in March 2017, and thus committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The country has instituted policy initiatives that are relevant to climate change including its adoption in 2013 of a National Policy on Climate Change. Measures that are necessary to achieve the country’s commitments include ending gas flaring, increasing the contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity supply, improving energy efficiency, and supporting climate smart agriculture and restoration.
Nigeria has pledged to reduce unconditionally by 2030 its GHG emissions by 20%, and conditionally by 45% compared to business as usual levels of 900 MtCO2e. The identified measures would contribute substantially to honoring the agreement. By ratifying the accord, initiating climate relevant policies, and setting up a coordinating unit for climate action, Nigeria is taking forward steps towards meeting its GHG commitments.
Learn More
A summary of Nigeria’s approach to climate change is available at:
The status of Nigeria’s ratification of the Paris Agreement is available at:
More information on Nigeria’s contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is available at:’s%20INDC_271115.pdf