Saudi Arabia Media Organizations

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Media organizations in Saudi Arabia don’t take a specific perspective towards climate change. Rather, they cover news of climate change activities in Saudi Arabia or other countries or publish scientific research on the impact of climate change on certain climate and geographical aspects (for example water shortage in Saudi Arabia) or specific climate change-related issues.

Broadcast Media

AlArabiya Television News channel is owned by Saudi Arabia. The current General Manager of Al Arabiya Television News channel is Turki Aldakhi who is a Saudi journalist and media figure.

Content Sample:

The title of an article published on Al Arabiya Television News channel on May 21, 2016 is, “Middle East could become “uninhabitable” due to climate change.”

The article warns that future climate change may destroy parts of the Middle East making it too hot for people to live in. Based on a study published by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia, the change in temperature levels in the region could increase more than twofold with deterioration in living conditions that would force people in the Middle East, where over 500 million people reside, to leave the area. This would lead to a dramatic increase in the numbers of climate refugees.

Contact: Al Arabiya News Channel, PO Box 72627,Dubai Media City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 391 9999

Print Media

King Abdul Aziz University, Center of Excellence in Climate Change Research (CECCR)

Content Sample:

King Abdulaziz University Magazine is issued by Saudi King Abdulaziz University, Meteorology, Environment, and Dry Areas Plantation, Center of Excellence in Climate Change Research.

Contact: Center of Excellence in Climate Change Researches (CECCR), PO Box 80208, Jeddah, 21589, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tel: + 966 2 6952690

Dr. Iqbal Ismail is the director of Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King AbdulAziz University, Email:, Tel (mobile): + 966 (2) 505644138

Online Media

Kawn (Universe): Abdullah al-Misnid’s website on geography and climate change

Kawn (Universe) website is owned by Abdullah al-Misnid who is an associate professor at the Department of Geography, al-Qasim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is no mailing address, but an online form to fill and submit.


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