The State of Sao Paulo—The Secretariat for the Environment of the State of São Paulo—SMA-SP was established in 1986 to coordinate and integrate activities related to environmental protection. Since 2008, it also oversees sectorial public policies that impact the environment. CETESB, its Environmental Agency, is responsible for environmental quality monitoring and licencing in the State of São Paulo. CETESB is also an acknowledged reference centre for environmental issues of the United Nations. CETESB hosts PROCLIMA, the programme in charge of implementing the state climate change law, passed in November 2009 (PEMC—Política Estadual de Mudanças Climáticas).
One of the key actions led by the State in partnership with the City of São Paulo and the private sector is the landfill methane capture and energy generation which was a pioneer project in Brazil under the Clean Development Mechanism—CDM.
It was the first State to establish an emissions reduction target, followed by the national climate law in December. Activities include capacity building, monitoring and reporting climate action, outreach and policy making on climate related issues in the state of São Paulo. Since then, the state has developed its greenhouse gas inventory.
Learn More
For information on SP´s environmental system see
For information on the state´s climate legislation see
On climate related measures, see
On climate action under PROCLIMA see (in Portuguese only)
For information on the landfill gas project see
Recife—Recife´s administration has been engaged in climate actions since 2012. In 2014, the city developed its greenhouse gas emissions inventory, and passed Law 18011/2014, that established a climate action plan, prioritizing transportation and greening. It was the first local government in the Northeast region of the country to commit to GHG emissions reduction targets.
A flagship of the city´s policies includes the Porto Leve initiative that fosters innovation in urban mobility. The initiative is a coordinated effort that also involves the city´s secretariats for transport, science and technology. Porto Leve was established in 2015 to provide innovative and sustainable services at the Parque Tecnológico do Porto Digital (The Digital Port Technological Park). It focuses on three main areas with the following objectives:
• To promote sustainable mobility
• To foster security and traffic management
• To promote technology research in the Park related to sustainable and innovative urban mobility.
The initiative includes providing bike sharing, electric vehicles, smart parking, public transportation and mobility information to users and visitors in the area.
Maria Aparecida Pedrosa Bezerra (Cida Pedrosa), Municipal Environment Secretary
Mail: Rua Fernando Cesar, 65 – Encruzilhada – CEP: 52041-170 Recife, PE, Brazil Department: Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade do Recife – SMAS. Recife´s Environment and Sustainability Secretariat.
Secretary Magda
Telephones: (+55 81) 3355-5801. Advisor Carlos Ribeiro-tel: / (81)9488-6700
Learn More
For Recife´s greenhouse gas inventory, climate law, and other relevant actions, see
(in Portuguese only)
For further information on Recife´s Porto Leve initiative to promote sustainable mobility see (in Portuguese only)
Contact: Francisco Saboya, President
Salvador—The city of Salvador has been steadily improving its environmental record since 2009, investing in mobility, green areas, environmental education and waste management. The city has many challenges and a long way to go, but is on track to becoming a model city in the Northeast region of Brazil. The state government of Bahia partners with the city to implement public transport and waste management. The city developed a greenhouse gas inventory in 2014 and integrates climate policies in the city´s strategy towards sustainability. Actions include implementing cycle lanes, increasing pedestrian areas, and building awareness campaigns on waste and recycling.
André Fraga, Municipal Secretary, Secretaria Cidade Sustentável de Salvador – SECIS
Salvador´s Municipal Sustainable City Secretariat
Mail: Av. Sete de Setembro, 89 – Ed. Oxumaré, 3 andar – Centro, Salvador, BA, Brazil.
Telephone: (+55 71) 3202-5630 / 5646
Email:; SecretaryRosangela Araújo
Learn More
For further information on Salvador´s environmental department and activities see (in Portuguese only)
For the report and municipal inventory on greenhouse gas emissions see (in Portuguese only)
Sao Paulo—Gilberto Natalini is a practicing physician, and São Paulo city council member with the Green Party (Partido Verde – PV) in his fourth mandate. He was elected for a fifth mandate beginning in 2017, and was appointed Municipal Secretary for the 4-year mandate beginning in 01 January 2017.
Natalini is a renowned environmental activist, leading policies for the city at the Council, including climate change, health and urban issues. Since 2001, his cabinet organizes an important yearly conference on Cleaner Production and Climate Change that gathers over 900 participants from all walks of life.
The Environment Secretariat—SVMA is responsible for environmental policies at the local level, interactions with other bodies on related issues, and for maintenance of parks and green areas in the city. The SVMA led the process towards passing the city´s climate law in 2009, and coordinates the Committee that implements it. The city of São Paulo was the first major city in South America to pass a climate law and establish emissions reductions targets. The Committee on Climate Change and Ecoefficiency gathers government officials and civil society representatives who oversee the implementation of the measures in compliance to the climate law.
Gilberto Natalini, Secretary (as from 01 January 2017), Secretaria Municipal do Verde e do Meio Ambiente de São Paulo – Municipal Environment Secretariat, State Government – São Paulo
Mail: Rua do Paraíso, 387 – Paraiso CEP: 04103-001 – São Paulo, SP Brasil
Telephone: (+55 11) 3171-2154
Email: and