Nigeria Leading Research Study

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Research Study: “Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Technical Reports—National” Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change Project, 2012

An important climate change research project recently conducted for Nigeria is the Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change (BNRCC) project. The project, which began in 2007 and finished in 2011, was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and executed by ICF Marbek and CUSO-VSO Canada in partnership with the Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team, N (NEST &Tegler, 2011b). The project aimed to contribute to building informed responses to the issue of climate change in Nigeria by improving the capability of community, state, and national level governance to put in place effective climate adaption approaches, policies, and actions.

The BNRCC project published several climate change reports and strategies including the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Technical Reports – Nigeria (CCASTR).

The CCASTR is a compendium of studies that assesses the susceptibility of Nigeria to climate change and identifies adaptation options for the country. The authors prepared the Report using available information in published research articles, books, and reports. Consultations with individuals working directly in the various sectors (including government workers and private consultants) and BNRCC-supported community-based adaptation pilot projects were also sources of information for preparing the report (NEST & Tegler, 2011a).

The document consists of 5 separate reports on climate change and adaptation as they affect the country’s infrastructure, agriculture, natural resources, and sanitation and health sectors, as well as cross-sectoral issues. The individual reports identified sub-sectors that are vulnerable to climate change. Some of these are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Impacts of Climate Change on Sectors


The BNRCC studies found (as other studies have) that Nigeria is already being impacted by climate change as evidenced by recurrent adverse weather-related events. Hence, there is an imperative need for suitable, adequate responses to climate change issues (NEST &Tegler, 2011b). A key outcome of the CCASTR was the development of Nigeria’s National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria (NASPA-CCN) (NEST &Tegler, 2011a).

The results and recommendations of the BNRCC project, which is contained in the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Technical Report (CCASTR) and the National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action for Climate Change Nigeria (NASPA-CCN), together with the findings of other studies on climate change in Nigeria, contributed to the adoption of a National Climate Change Policy and Response Strategy, by the Federal Executive Council of the Federal Government of Nigeria.

Learn More

For a summary of the BNRCC Project, see:

For a discussion by the London School of Economics on Nigeria’s policy on climate change see:

See the complete CCASTR report:

See the complete NASPA-CCN report;jsessionid=27C7F6A7FD5FCAAD495C69457F2C5F7D?doi=


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