Research Study: “Brazil 2040: Scenarios and Alternatives for Climate Change Adaptation,” Brazilian Government (2015); “Greenhouse Gas Emissions System,” Climate Observatory, 2014
In the last 5 years, 2 important climate change studies were published in Brazil: ‘Brazil 2040: scenarios and alternatives for climate change adaptation’, partially released in 2015, coordinated by the Strategic Affairs Secretary (SAE) from the Brazilian government and the Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimate System (SEEG), starting in 2014, from the Climate Observatory, a civil society initiative.
‘Brazil 2040: scenarios and alternatives for climate change adaptation’ was considered the most important study on how different sectors will respond to climate change. It was released in October 2015 without any announcement from the Brazilian government—the team responsible for the study was fired months before without any further notice. More than 30 files were uploaded in the Strategic Affairs Secretary website, some of them were still draft versions. The information was not organized and no executive summary was written. In November 2016, none of those files could be found—the website is down and SAE was extinguished last year.
The Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimate System is a non-government initiative that comprises annual estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Brazil, analytic documents on the emission evolution and an online portal with straightforward and clear information about the methods and the data generated in the system.
Greenhouse gas emission estimates are performed according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines, based on data from the Second Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emission and Removal, elaborated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), and based on data gathered from governmental reports, institutes, research centers, sector entities and non-governmental organizations.
SEEG was published for the first time in 2013, and it is annually updated. Five sectors are assessed—Agriculture, Energy, Land Use Change, Industrial Processes and Waste—with annual data since 1970. Since 2014, it also presents estimates for all Brazilian states. SEEG ended the Brazilian government hegemony on the country’s data on GHG emissions and it became the most complete GHG emission database in Brazil, allowing emissions data to be crossed with a variety of socio-economic indicators and production.
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