The 2019 U.S. Energy and Employment Report found that the U.S. Traditional Energy and Energy Efficiency sectors employed “approximately 6.7 million Americans or 4.6% of a workforce of roughly 147 million” in 2018, an increase of 2.3% from the previous year. Of these, solar and wind employed a total of 343,000 full-time workers, though solar...
Tag: 31
Green Jobs are Needed in More than Just the Energy Sector in Ukraine
At the moment, the government of Ukraine does not focus on developing “green” jobs, as well as the development of a green economy. But even without support at the national level, green jobs develop in different sectors. The concept of “green jobs” is almost never discussed in Ukraine, even in public debate. When green jobs...
A New Green Infrastructure Policy in Turkey Will Stimulate the Creation of Green Jobs
In the 2012 Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference, sectors closely related to environmental sustainability are listed as agriculture, forestry, fishing, renewable energy, resource intensive production, recycling, construction and transportation. Turkey’s presentation at this Conference introduced its approach to green jobs. It identified the following sectors for creating green jobs: power generation from waste heat, water and...
Green Jobs Have Not Yet Surged in Spain, But Have Great Potential
The Spanish job market is notable for its economic downturn during the 2008 recession, which led to a 6-year-long financial crisis, also known as the Great Recession or the Great Spanish Depression. While much of the world also suffered in 2008, the Spanish crisis lasted much longer and dug itself more deeply into Spanish society...
South Africa Lacks the Research Needed to Support the Growth of Green Jobs
South Africa does not report green jobs independently in any of its major surveys or statistics of employment, nor does it report the growth of green industries. There is not an official agreed definition of green jobs, either. However, there have been significant efforts from different organizations to measure the role of the green economy...
Lack of Political Will and Skilled Labor Shortage Might Impede the Growth of Green Jobs in the Kingdom
Saudi Arabia’s green jobs market is developing as Saudi Aramco, the country’s largest employer, is implementing sustainable initiatives that will generate green jobs within the energy industry. This initiative has four components: energy efficiency, environmental performance, human capital development, and commercial ecosystems. Within the company’s Flare Minimization Program, multiple flare gas recovery systems are installed...
Green Jobs Have Great Potential but are Not Yet Widespread in Russia
Estimating the number of “green” jobs created in Russia is difficult, in part due to the fact that such a concept as a “green” workplace is not yet widespread in Russia. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation makes no mention of “green” jobs anywhere in its open sources. Methodological approaches...
COVID-19 Offers Chance to Press Reset Button on Green Jobs in Nigeria
Nigeria, a developing country with an economic dependency on oil, will always struggle in the green job sector without any substantial change in policy. Currently, the country has a combined unemployment (27.1%) and underemployment (28.6%) rate of 55.7%. On top of this, Nigeria has an over reliance on oil, which is shown by the direct...
4.5% of Mexico’s Workforce Have Green Jobs
According to the International Labor organization (ILO), Green Jobs are those that produce a product or service related to environmental conservation and management, that make processes more sustainable within any industry and that have decent work conditions. Thus, green jobs are those that have an environmental component and include decent work conditions. Green jobs are...
The Global Economic Slowdown Threatens the Growth of Green Jobs in Japan
Climate adaptation and resilience stand out as rapidly emerging areas of employment as the effects of climate change are felt worldwide. According to the UNEP, green jobs are defined as “positions in agriculture, manufacturing, R&D, administrative, and service activities aimed at substantially preserving or restoring environmental quality”. They seek to protect the environment and conserve...