Category: South Korea News Brief and Action Alert

Home / South Korea News Brief and Action Alert
South Korea: Climate Progress Indicators

South Korea: Climate Progress Indicators

Between March and May 2022, Slight update in renewable energy use; decline in number of coal-fired power plants; no information on number of FCEVs on the road. Climate Progress Indicators for South Korea Indicator 1 – Share of renewable energy overall in energy mix Indicator 2 – Number of coal-fired power plants Indicator 3 –...

The Youth Voice in South Korea

The Youth Voice in South Korea

It is no surprise now that the young people of today will be most affected by climate change tomorrow. Young people around the world bear the disproportionately large burden of solving the challenges associated with climate change. In recent years the world’s youth persist to be listened to when they rally for climate action, as...

South Korea’s Dependence on Foreign Energy Affects Its Ability to Block Russian Energy Imports

South Korea’s Dependence on Foreign Energy Affects Its Ability to Block Russian Energy Imports

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had far-reaching consequences on the global energy market. The EU’s dependence on Russian natural gas has been laid bare since the start of the invasion and efforts to diversify energy supplies are being accelerated at an unprecedented rate in Europe. The implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on...

South Korea: Climate Progress Report

South Korea: Climate Progress Report

Indicator 1: Renewable Energy (Monthly) This indicator will track the share of renewables in South Korea’s Energy Mix. It is reliable as it is updated on a regular basis and provides an insight into the evolving share of renewables in the country’s Energy Mix. The potential of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is...

South Korea Improves Its Extreme Weather Forecasting Capabilities

South Korea Improves Its Extreme Weather Forecasting Capabilities

This post was submitted by Climate Scorecard South Korea Country Manager Jitae ChangSouth Korea is no exception to global trends toward extreme weather events. The country is losing its spring and autumn seasons, which has serious consequences for their agriculture and fishing industries. In some places, the agricultural industry has had no choice but to...

South Korea Relies on Nuclear Power for 30% of its Energy

South Korea Relies on Nuclear Power for 30% of its Energy

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard South Korea Country Manager Jitae ChangFigure 1. Energy Sources of South Korea (KPX)South Korea relies on nuclear power for 30% of its energy. Five nuclear power plants and twenty-four nuclear reactors are available and at this moment, seventeen are on line, with the other seven reactors are undergoing...

South Korea Needs to Do More to Strengthen Its Emissions Reduction Goals and Implement Its Policies

South Korea Needs to Do More to Strengthen Its Emissions Reduction Goals and Implement Its Policies

This post was submitted by Climate Scorecard South Korea Country Manager Jitae ChangSouth Korea’s ambitious goal to be part of global green movements has been widely publicized. In his speech on October 28, 2020, President Moon proclaimed plans for carbon neutrality (net-zero) by 2050. The 2050 long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy (LEDS) and...

Incheon: the eco-friendly city of the future in Republic of Korea

Incheon: the eco-friendly city of the future in Republic of Korea

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard South Korea Country Manager Hatyja Nuriyeva   Incheon, the third largest city in South Korea, is emerging as a global city. Incheon is in pursuit of an eco-friendly transformation based on its Green New Deal Projects. Every public institution in Incheon launched recycling expansion and waste reduction campaigns...

Best Climate Practice South Korea: The Korean Federation for Environmental Movement

Best Climate Practice South Korea: The Korean Federation for Environmental Movement

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard South Korea Country Manager Nuriyeva Hatyja   The Korean Federation for Environmental Movement Environmental issues like habitat destruction and air pollution will have both local and global consequences. While human activity has always had an impact on the environment, technological and globalization advances since the Industrial have contributed...


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