This post was submitted by Australia Country Manager Julian Atchison Nuclear power production is currently not permitted in Australia under two pieces of Commonwealth legislation, as well as a host of state-level laws. The two Commonwealth laws prohibit the “approval, licensing, construction, or operation of a nuclear fuel fabrication plant; a nuclear power plant; an...
Author: Julian Atchison (Julian Atchison)
Minimum Public Awareness of Positives of Climate Action in Australia
This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Australia Country Manager Julian Atchison As detailed in our last post, Australia’s emission reduction efforts are not producing the necessary results. Emissions from industry, transport and from the gas extraction/processing industry are rising fast enough to offset cuts in the electricity sector. And, there is the nagging issue...
Australia’s Current Emissions—From Energy, Transport, and Industrial Processes Have Risen 18% Since 1990
This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Australia Country Manager Julian AtchisonAustralia’s current emissions—emissions from energy, transport, and industrial processes have risen 18% since 1990 The latest official government figures for Australia’s overall emissions show they have fallen to levels not seen since the mid 90s. Since 1990, there’s been about a 20% fall: Source:...
Spotlight: the “Carbon Neutral Adelaide” initiative in Australia
This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Australia Country Manager Julian AtchisonAdelaide, South Australia For a country renowned for its intransigence to climate action at a federal level, Australian state and local governments (councils) are taking very forward looking steps. In particular, councils in Australia’s biggest cities are leading the charge with huge reductions in...
Best Local Climate NGO Australia: The Australian Conservation Foundation
This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Australia Country Manager Julian Atchison The Australian Conservation Foundation Founded in 1965, the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) is a national environment advocacy body based in Melbourne. ACF has 70 staff (mostly Melbourne-based) and counts its supporter base as being 700,000 Australians strong – certainly the largest general...
Renewable Energy (Production and Distribution) Best Practice in Australia
Post submitted by Australia Country Manager Julian Atchison The Asian Renewable Energy Hub The Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) is one of two renewable energy export “mega-projects” currently in development in Australia. The full scope of the project makes for impressive reading; there will be 26GW installed wind and solar generating capacity (with a projected...
Climate Policy Recommendations for Australia
Policy Recommendation #1: High-voltage Transmission Upgrades Policy Recommendation #2: A national Electric Vehicle Strategy that Supercharges EV Take-up Policy Recommendation #3: Use the Emissions Reduction Fund to Achieve Emissions Reductions Background Sadly, national-level discourse around climate change policy in Australia entered a new phase of “stupid” this month, with the National Party brazenly declaring agriculture...
Increased Consumption Demand in Australia Has Been Largely Met Through Gas and Renewable Energy
According to International Energy Agency statistics, Australia consumed 248 Terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity in 2018, up from 146 TWh in 1990. In 2019, official Australian government statistics broke down the electricity generation mix as follows: 56% coal, 21% gas, 21% renewable energy (solar, wind, and hydro), and 2% oil. As evidenced in the graph...
Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Levels Have Decreased 15% from 1990
Recently Reported Greenhouse Gas Level: 515 Mt in 2020, a Decrease of 15% from 1990 (Source: Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources) The Australian government releases national emissions data on a quarterly basis. The latest release (for the April-June quarter of 2020) reports national emissions at 515Mt CO2 equivalents, a 3% drop from...
Big Leap Forward in the Renewables Sector and Continued Lack of Federal Response to Climate Needs in Australia
The July to October period has seen some incredible leaps in the Australian renewables sector despite lack of federal government support. The state of Tasmania is currently legislating a world-leading 200% renewable energy target. In October, South Australia became the first major jurisdiction in the world to be powered by 100% rooftop solar for any...