Seventy-five percent of those surveyed considered global climate change to be a major threat to their country.
Available survey information on climate change attitudes and opinions in Argentina points to one conclusion—Argentinians care about climate change. Although rigorous studies on the subject are not abundant, by piecing together information from various sources we see a general narrative emerge. The following paragraphs will present some of the most relevant surveys from the past ten years.
2007—A study by the consulting firm Analogías surveyed 450 adults from the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region and found that 75% of their sample believed that extreme weather events in their country were related to climate change. Furthermore, 90% said that climate change was an urgent issue that the government should address. Although the study was not conducted nationwide, it gives some indication of the concern Argentinians had for the subject over a decade ago.
2015—Just before the COP21 meeting in Paris, a survey by World Wide Views Alliance called “WWViews Climate and Energy” found that 95% of Argentinians surveyed were very worried about climate change. The population for this survey was also not nationally representative, but again the results showed a great concern.
2016—An online survey conducted across 23 countries by Ipsos Mori found that the vast majority of Argentinians sampled claimed that climate change is largely a result of human activity. This view expressed by 88% in Argentina was second on the list of countries surveyed (only Indonesia was higher).
2017—A recent Pew Research Center survey also showed the concern Argentinians have for the issue. The survey was conducted via telephone and face-to-face interviews with 1,012 Argentinians. Seventy-five percent of respondents considered global climate change to be a major threat to their country. This response outranked other threats including ISIS and the condition of the global economy.
Taken together, these results show a generally high level of concern about climate change in Argentina. However, all of these surveys are targeted at general public attitudes and opinions which, while important, are only part of the story. The attitudes and opinions of other important stakeholders such as the Government and corporations in Argentina are also crucial.
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